
She may not be the best dancer, but nothing can be worse than the 4 or 5 white news anchors that were doing the challenge on set.

Grimes could do better.

That definitely fits. He’s a well documented scam artist after all, and I’m pretty sure his intelligence peaked at 2 years old. At which point his brain became a toxic mess.

The cyclists blow my mind. I swear they’re trying to get themselves killed. That move you described, I see it all the time, and it always increases my heart rate as I think I’m about to see someone get violently obliterated.

I think white people need to visit this site and read these articles, followed by moments of significant introspection. Especially white people from generic ‘white town’, USA or Canada or wherever. It provides a perspective that we can’t access if we continue to live in our own little bubbles. Especially when the

I suspect your articles get a lot of vitriol from white people. I know you’re not specifically writing them for white people, but nonetheless, I wanted to let you know that you are getting through to some of us. I suspect many of us are lurking on this site.

Out of curiosity, I checked good ol’ Randy’s facebook.

Can’t someone pretend to be pulled so hard that they fly towards him, headbutt the bridge of his nose and kneed him solidly in the groin?

15 years later and it still fills me with rage.

Also, pretty sure the other side has used the infinite ammo cheat already. If the past two years has taught us anything, it’s that they can be as vile as they want, they can lie, their supporters can even kill and it doesn’t even weaken their position.

“Why don’t you leave my husband alone!”

Is that what it takes to get out of the grays?

Starring you didn’t feel like enough.

What the ever-loving Fuck. How do you reason with this much stupid?

Women’s fashion is so weird and it’s frustrating to see how it’s hoisted upon my wife and daughter...and my daughter isn’t even 3 yet.

The craziest thing is, that, as of today, your comment is only half joking. Just a few years ago though, the idea of “American refugees” was a 100% joke. But every day, this administration takes actions, that, looking at historical precedent and context, leads to a conclusion of violence.

My moment of naivety was at an ice cream truck of all places. It is a moment of regret for me, because my response was poor.

This is not the digression I expected, but it’s the digression I needed.

Remember the long-ago, halcyon days of 2014, when one of the biggest movies of the year, Captain America: Winter Soldier was about saving the world from figurative Nazis that had infiltrated the American Government at all levels?

Don’t forget, he’s also trying to undermine and circumvent the judiciary because those pesky buggers keep roadblocking his agenda.