
In our defense, 60% of voters that turned out didn’t vote for him.

I didn’t vote for that stupid piece of garbage.

Sorry Earth, you gotta stop spinning. You don’t want to force all those Flat Earthers out there to participate in something contrary to their most deeply held beliefs, do you?

That’s very true, and it can elevate an action scene tremendously. As a recent example in Infinity War (and this shouldn’t be a spoiler since it’s in a trailer), Captain America is holding back Thanos’ fist, and Thanos gets a look on his face that screams “this isn’t possible”. It’s such a small moment, but it makes

For sure. The final battle was a major letdown. I remember waiting for a raging climax between her and Ares, since the action set pieces had been clearly escalating throughout. But it ended up being the weakest in the movie. That battle checks off a lot of the ‘bad’ boxes listed in the video, if I remember correctly,

Interesting. It made me think of the most memorable DC actions scenes: Batman saving Martha Kent in Batman V. Superman and two scenes from Wonder Woman: Crossing No Man’s Land and Storming the Village.

One of my pet peeves is seeing how many people line up at Subway for lunch while independently run neighbors, with actual good and unique foods, get a quarter of the business.

I can’t be too hard on her music. It may be vapid and pulpy, but I’ll be damned if a lot of it isn’t catchy.

What’s going to hurt is the finals. No matter who comes out of the East.

I get that feeling.

Theatrical re-release for Hot Rod!

Why was Harmon rubbing so much soap in his eyes?

Can you believe this guy started out as an Air Conditioner Repair Man?

Surprised there was no nod to the Dead Island commercial. We even used that music for my wife’s wedding march.

Reviews have always been condensed down to a score. Newspapers always had star ratings that I’m sure most people skipped to without reading. Hell, even the most famous movie scoring system of all time was also its least nuanced: ‘thumbs up or down’. When you saw TV spots, they didn’t read paragraphs of reviews for the

Point of Contention: Norm MacDonald is at his best when he’s a Pigeon.

I could have easily walked the ‘incel’ path in my younger days. I was lonely, rejected and convinced I was hideous. I don’t know when that crossroads came and went, but the people that walked me past it were the women in my life. They became my friends, guides and surrogate sisters. I became a better and braver person

This song is so...bland.

Sim-bye-oat is fine. The fact that Americans say ‘experiment’ as “Ex-spear-a-mint” instead of “Ex-spare-a-meant” is actually quite jarring to my delicate Canadian ears.

I always saw Pickle Rick as a meta-commentary (accidental or otherwise, I don’t know) on the two general groups of fans that watch Rick and Morty. There’s the group that see Rick as the hero, who uses his superior intellect to wield god-like power to create destruction and comic hi jinks (and to justify his horrible,