
Can you believe this guy started out as an Air Conditioner Repair Man?

Surprised there was no nod to the Dead Island commercial. We even used that music for my wife’s wedding march.

Reviews have always been condensed down to a score. Newspapers always had star ratings that I’m sure most people skipped to without reading. Hell, even the most famous movie scoring system of all time was also its least nuanced: ‘thumbs up or down’. When you saw TV spots, they didn’t read paragraphs of reviews for the

Point of Contention: Norm MacDonald is at his best when he’s a Pigeon.

I could have easily walked the ‘incel’ path in my younger days. I was lonely, rejected and convinced I was hideous. I don’t know when that crossroads came and went, but the people that walked me past it were the women in my life. They became my friends, guides and surrogate sisters. I became a better and braver person

This song is so...bland.

Sim-bye-oat is fine. The fact that Americans say ‘experiment’ as “Ex-spear-a-mint” instead of “Ex-spare-a-meant” is actually quite jarring to my delicate Canadian ears.

I always saw Pickle Rick as a meta-commentary (accidental or otherwise, I don’t know) on the two general groups of fans that watch Rick and Morty. There’s the group that see Rick as the hero, who uses his superior intellect to wield god-like power to create destruction and comic hi jinks (and to justify his horrible,

I’m a Rick and Morty fan.

If a comedy series brings the funny, then I don’t think I would ever rate it lower than a B.

I think I’ll be watching this. Raptor fan since their inception. Played in the first “Raptorfest” 3 v 3 tournament, which was being held to celebrate the inaugural season. We got destroyed! Even the “for fun” branch of the tournament was loaded with ringers.

I’m a sucker for Horror Anthologies, even middling ones. And I want Martin Freeman to be my bestest pal, so I’ll probably check this one out....on demand.

Why’s it gotta be a guy?

Some armchair showrunning here, but if they wanted to get Maggy, Jesus and Daryl to turn on Rick, have Morgan leave and set-up a new Big Bad for next season in a way that doesn’t Betray Rick’s character progress, or anyone elses, why not have the Savior arc end with Rick going full Darkside and assuming leadership of

It just looks like some random dude at Coachella just having a good time.

I didn’t watch Fear the Walking Dead last season, but I stuck around for the season premier last night. I actually enjoyed it because it followed a formula that seems to consistently work for The Walking Dead: Having one or two main characters walk into someone else’s story.

The Rock

Did we witness a double turn in this episode, the likes of which that hasn’t been seen since Hart/Austin at Wrestlemania 13?

Wow, that’s really close to my home. Had no idea it existed. If they really sell wild game, I’m there.

Fucking idiot casting directors should have just cast Cheetarah! She’s made for this part and you know she’s probably game, since she hasn’t acted in years. And we can see in the most recent Thundercats series (2011) that she’s still got the acting chops and athleticism to fill this role.