
As long as Nongshim Kimchi Instant Ramen exists, and you have two eggs to crack into it, you don’t need to spend more than a buck-fifty on instant noodles.

Well, people are always telling me to get my facts straight, so it seems implicit that my facts are are not hetero by default.

Is that what we’re called? ‘Xennials’?

Of course they’re related.

But does the Rock take off his shirt?

I miss the days when I could simply hate things just because they suck.

Before or after she died?

I had to pause the trailer to ask this question, but, why the hell did she need the spyglass to spot that giant, moving city?

“President Trump has to offset all those bunless Filet-O-Fishes, so naturally, he cuts calories by guzzling 144 ounces of Diet Coke per day. Jesus Christ.”

Straight male and also curious as to why this is a thing.

I read that article about movie scores too and I actually agreed at the time with respect to the Avengers Theme. In my heart, I know it’s somewhat generic and bland and it never felt quite as iconic as it should. I remember seeing Avengers on the big screen for the first time and feeling that, during the the ‘money

As a Torontonian, and Raptors fan from their inception, I’ve been exposed to ‘Basketball Fan’ Drake, quite frequently. I like that guy. ‘Musician Drake’ seems pretty alright too, especially after he called out that groper. But not his music. Never his music.

How are liberals being offended by these machines getting destroyed?

Yesterday was my 2 year old’s first time Trick or Treating. It was amazing fun. Initially she was confused, but by house #3, she knew that running was a good strategy. By house 10, she knew that she could skip the houses that didn’t have a Jack-o-Lantern or lights on. By the last house, and my favourite video of the

This episode should have been required viewing for sex ed courses in the 90s. It was the biggest thing on TV, and it normalized the idea of masturbation, for men and women. As a newly minted teenager at the time, it was an awkward period, and this was so helpful to alleviate any shame, embarrassment and isolation I

People shit all over the themes of morality, justice and evil that are in this show; they’re down on how cliche it is, how simple it’s treated. They shit on the characters being stupid, shallow, caricatures. And to some extent, I agree, it’s often true. This review is full of points like that.

One general criticism in fiction that I’ve always had a hard time fully understanding is that people “say how they feel instead of showing”. I’m not saying it’s not a valid criticism, but wanting characters to always behave that way isn’t necessarily always true to life. I’m the kind of person who is regularly open

I was going to say the same damn thing.

We definitely have opposite experiences playing both games. I don’t think I’ve ever had a Kingmaker situation in Power Grid. Our games are usually pretty tightly contested. I also enjoy how there are 3 ways to interact with players: the bidding, resource buying and building new power plants. There’s a lot of hate

I honestly hate ticket to ride. It’s a game where there’s potential for a deeper strategy, but most people can do just fine ignoring each other and minimizing any player interaction. Board games that make interaction easy to ignore or just plain difficult to achieve bore me.