

Fake and gay!

i won whoop whoop!


What gave it away that it was specifically me.

Papi, no mas!

Interesting that you know that. Strange fetisch of yours?

What gave it away?


I remember you! :)

fucking hell mate lol, you need to fucking chill. you sound emotional and obsessive.

That's okay. Because I wouldn't fuck that bitch with a frozen turd.

wow you just can't hop off my dick can you, you even wrote a second essay in a desperate attempt to get my attention lol

You feelin' some type of way because what I said fits you, lol.

Dude seriously you shut the fuk up if you just fuking shut up and not comment here were all probably having a good conversation. I don't have something against you but you're starting to annoy me you fuking attention whore, you A.D.D. piece of shet.

Chair Force

Wow, you're soooo cool, ya know, being a gun nut and all. I'm totally shivering right now. Second Amendment man, is that you? Fuck off.

Your girlfriend is fugs, bro.

The only thing worse than your logic is your manners. I have snipped away most of your of what you wrote, because, well ... it didn't really say anything. Your attempt at constructing a creative flame was pitiful. I mean, really, stringing together a bunch of insults among a load of babbling was hardly effective...

The problem is your focusing on the things in life that don't really matter. When I was a kid I had hopes and dreams. We all did. But over time, the daily grind gets in the way and you miss the things that really matter, even though they are right in front of you, staring you in the face. I think the next time you