you're just tiresome and needlessly mean.
you're just tiresome and needlessly mean.
Thanks for the insight.
I know, I was just making a snide remark. Know why?
It's not merely a hobby. It's my passion.
That's good to hear. What about Jezebel? Do mods surveil the comments?
Fine I get your points it just pisses me off when these corny Eminem-loving white rap fans can't seem to get Lil Wayne out of their mouths. I call it the "Eminem Syndrome", and it's the best thing to ever happened white people
I guess he's short, but it's not something he's ashamed of. He said recently in a song "I'm 5'5" but I can 69." So props to him for being open with his short height
Why should I get banned tho, I haven't broken any rules
I like to take huge turds on people's bare chests
Lol I was just kidding all along
I'm just repeating what Jezebel and Gawker tell me. I'm not saying anything new.
Now now, you've got the wrong picture of me. She commented on my face first, after all. Although it later turned out to be a big misunderstanding. But still. That was my mindset when I wrote that.
I used to fuck guys like you in prison.
I'm not trolling, bro. I really am strapped. If I pulled a gun on you, would you still call it trolling? I doubt you would. But I'm sure you'd shit your pants.
Girls poop? I am strangely aroused by that fact...
Welp I'm not into scat, so.... I think I'll pass.
There are no names that can describe you. You fucking disgust me.
I'm despicable, kick you in your dick and balls. Smash your thick skull with a cricket ball
You are one rude person. I wonder how you treat your patients.