
How about we understand the context behind the shooting first before making accusations.


Stupid non-argument. No one ever said they don't. Just that it's happening here on Jezebel to women in a very violent way.

Edit: equate internet bullying with 'abuse'...

And if you don't equate internet bullying, then you are a baka.

I can see no way this would be detrimental to the product.

Not to mention, IP banning can block non trolls if people are posting from shared computers.

Please don't perpetuate the stereotype that women are so fragile that being sent pictures by anonymous trolls would cause serious problems. There are women fighting in the military, female surgeons who see far more horrendous things up front daily. Whining about coming across pictures for a few seconds appeals to

Wow no one understands. Forget my post. Dick jokes are not that funny but I guess they do belong on this ridiculous site.

Don't have a 'white savior complex' - let them handle it.

Idiot? Why the name calling? You can correct someone without needing to use hateful words.

First off, its terrible that's happening and all that. Second off, you have my pity that you all work in a place where public passive-aggressive behavior is the only way to communicate/get things done.

How about Jezebel not post an article about penis pretzels so that we all can be taken seriously?

I'm not racist against white people simply because I can't be. Racism = prejudice + power. Educate yourself.

Virgin shaming creates Elliot Rodgers. It would have been alot better if his virginity wasnt some big cloud hanging over him, created by people like you.

Well, I'm Jewish, and a feminist, and like most Jewish feminists I know, I do not support the occupation of Palestine

Well, I'm Jewish, and a feminist, and like most Jewish feminists I know, I do not support the occupation of Palestine, nor am I a big fan of Orthodox Judiasm's patriarchial strictures. Having said that, the phrasing "Feminists Against Jews" only indicates Anti-Semitism and does not in any way address these nuances,

He begged for mercy after appealing to her desire for revenge didn't work. He said those things not cause they're true but because he was trying to entice her to anger so she would kill him.

It's not. There are articles on the internet where E.R. doctors are interviewed about patients who come in complaining of pain, and the doctors question them about it, or run X-rays, to find out these people have put all sorts of foreign objects in their rectums, including light bulbs. Just because something can be