Kuku 4 Coco

So much this! My wife and I adopted a pit bull from a rescue that fostered him a year ago and he’s the friendliest dog and leaves our cat alone (we told the rescue that we needed a dog that was fostered with cats).

It’s weird that she chose to single out Go Fug Yourself instead of Lainey Gossip, who also hated her outfit. Lainey has a history of giving her very positive coverage though, so I guess she figured she couldn’t bite the hand that feeds her. This seems misguided. GFY isn’t mean spirited. They just critique outfits.

I kinda disagree with this. I dislike houses that are just a bunch of pokey little rooms. I can live with less square footage so long as it’s open with high ceilings so it feels bigger. My parents’ house was built in 1980, and was fairly open-concept before that was a thing. The kitchen looks into the dining area,

I find it baffling. Go Fug Yourself isn’t even mean. They only talk about the clothes and do not body-shame, nor do they allow it in the comments. Olivia picked the wrong thing to complain about and as has been pointed out on twitter, is a massive hypocrite.

I don’t think he even has a law blog.

And Becky’s made a huge mistake.

My aunt was interviewed and photographed for this story. She loved her job for a long time. Loved it. She’s the fun aunt of the family. We’d stop by her store to watch her do fancy stuff in the middle of fancy things; corporate suit on, bunch of paper work, keys to everything. And even as kids we noticed she was

Nah, this way, they can inflict extra shame on women who undergo medication abortion: “You could have changed your mind and reversed it, but you didn’t!”

Tesla is ahead of schedule.  They weren’t expecting to blow up in China for a couple more years.

How nice of you to join us, Lori. For the record, do you have a a preference for the color of your prison uniform?  The fans want to know.

Or the best way to CONSUME is *not* smoking.

Why the fuck are you putting your onions in the crisper, Magary? WHY ARE YOU REFRIGERATING YOUR ONIONS? 

A guy who hates reading and absorbs Fox News like a sponge? Oh yeah, must be the reincarnation of the Algonquin Round Table.

Being related to a man who shares many behavioral traits with That Asshole, I’m 70% certain that “conversation” in this case involves him sitting at the table bloviating about “issues of the day” for hours on end while she is obliged to tell him how right he is about that thing. Probably while chewing with his mouth

To my shame, my friends and I did something similar to this in middle school (early 00's). A few years into high school, one of the girls told me that she knew about it and that it hurt her deeply. I remember feeling just absolutely awful about it (surely not as bad as it probably made her feel as a 13-14 year old

it’s actually a good idea to add all sorts of fake information to stupid social websites and places that have no business knowing your real email, DOB, hometown, etc.

This. i always forget I have music saved on my iTunes account until I hop in a rental and plug into the car’s system. Continue playing the podcast I’m 30+ min into? Nah, here’s that Lil Wayne you downloaded on your iPhone 5s years ago.

Jared Kushner seems like he’s the equivalent of a sentient bag of marshmallows wearing cotton Dockers

One of the truly Oscar-worthy 2 minute performances in the history of cinema. 

Another Trump fraudster. Harvard student? No. Fashion model? More like PR placement. Pro skater? Where? Poet? More like bad lyricist - to be charitable. Religious Jew? They really don’t intermarry, so even that doesn’t check out.