Kuku 4 Coco

I clotheslined a motherfucker on a flight trying to pull that shit. Little turd came running up from the back - I was about half way back on the starboard side - and I saw him out of the corner of my eye. I stood up in my aisle seat and stuck my arm out and he ran right into it chest first. I said very clearly “one

Ugh, 1970's: when harvest gold or avocado was your big appliance decision in the kitchen. They were such on trend colors, compared to baby blue, pink and yellow from the 60's.

Back in my day, we got lost in places with no food or water, and if we got eaten by wild boars we were damn well GRATEFUL for it. This younger generation doesn’t know how to appreciate the good things in life.

As a quilter and sewer I literally assumed this was going to be drama of someone using someone else’s fabric scissors on non fabric and I want you to know that in my head I thought war was FULLY justified just based on that.

Can we talk about the worst line ever in the entire show?

Bran: I’m not your brother, I’m the Three Eyed Raven.

I wasn’t mad at the finale. Just disappointed and confused. They rushed through things so fast, it was like “wait. What?” A lot of things seemed odd. In a hyper masculine and militaristic culture that values physical strength, Bran, the teenage cripple, who talks in riddles and spends his days by a tree living in the

Given that SCOTUS just overruled Nevada v. Hall — sans precedent, sans any Constitutional citation — it looks less like a chance and more like an inevitability. Even given a massive blue wave in 2020, the infrastructure is already set, the guillotine is already in place.

If elected president, Sen. Elizabeth Warren says she would nominate a former public school teacher to lead the Department of Education.

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the deplorable men?!1!

So not wanting to carry the pregnancy of a rapist is "twisted logic" but rape itself is simply a "misdeed"? Fuck this clown.

His defense “I didn’t think she knew about her titties!”

Perfect comment is perfect.

Isn’t this what they are upset about.

I like the mix of “incognito” and “look at me”


If I accept your math as correct, he is taking home almost $10K/month. So $120K per year. Well above the national median. Yeah, I do find it unreasonable that he would “have trouble” with taking home that amount. And yeah, if I made that much money, I WOULD be able to do the same. It’s not like he is making under

Those who cheer divorce as a form of women’s liberation, or who say that stigmatizing out-of-wedlock births is just right-wing sermonizing, just don’t get this intertwined connection between two-parent households and economic success.

Yet another piece of shit Trump pick who thinks he’s above the law.

No. But if you watch homecoming which came out like 2 weeks ago. This is a bit on the nose. Just too soon to be so ‘inspired’ by another artist. So yeah the word copycat is just.