Kuiper Belle

This is why Crumbs has failed, and it is only partially to do with the eternally changing trends in desserts: Crumbs cupcakes are horrible.

Form Language is a Canadian art studio that, as you're about to see, have "extensive training in classical drawing

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"Oh you wanted a car with wheels? Then you should have gone down the street to the luther dealer."

No, thanks. Think I'll stick with vamping the old-fashioned way.

Back in my day we used to sneak out of the house late at night and meet up in a graveyard or playground to have sex and smoke cloves. Good times. Anyway, we were goth as fuck but would have laughed our asses off at anyone using the word "vamping" to describe staying up all night.


When I was a teen, I just called chronic "vamping" insomnia. I didn't think it is SO TRENDY and COOL when I couldn't go to sleep for nights on end. I had a lot of fun with vamping. Still go through bad phases of vamping. #illsleepwhenimdead

I remember when this was vamping.

Doesn't that Orwell quote have some weird comma placement?

Fuck off, Mark, Independence day is perfect 90s cheese, but its true master stroke (that doesn't rhyme with Shmandy Shmaid or Shmeff Shmolshmum) is that it is the only invasion movie to figure out how to have its big scary alien cake and eat it too. BIOMECHANICAL SUITS YO! 'Cause if you can make spaceships you

Independence Day is all that was great about 90's action flicks. So, in the words of President Josiah Bartlett:

I regret to inform you that you have no soul.

As someone who's lived with depression for decades, here's my 2 cents. I really don't see how this Botox works — I don't scowl or frown or make "negative" faces . . . unless I'm forcing myself to smile or be "on", I just have no particular expression — just a resting face (bitchy or not, I couldn't tell you.) Unless

Part of depression- at least in my case- is that you can't fake it. Or if you manage to fake it for a few hours you're exhausted and unable to do anything for a long time afterwards. Or sometimes it takes all the strength you have just to leave the house and exist in the world, nothing left to fake a good mood... And

It would have been good to refer to Eric Finzi as Dr. Eric Finzi. The story, as it stands, reads like a painter started Botoxing women.