
I don’t know what’s a worse sign for our country, that republicans are (with a straight face) making the argument that making drugs affordable is socialism, or that their supporters are accepting that reasoning rather than at least consider the possibility that they’re being paid off by big pharma. I mean what kind of

I was fully expecting him to follow the “but” in that statement with “many people do! Great people!”

Tears ACL in week 16, after clinching wildcard spot, loses to Texans 15-6 in first round of playoffs sounds closer to the truth.

Wait, so they were “visiting a friend” when they noticed they were out of juice, and their friend wouldn’t let them leave the car there to charge? 

Joule thief!


Low load height, quirky, and cheap? I think I know what you need:


Developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers

The runner-up headline for this blog was Bison Yeets Child Into Oblivion

I believe the correct jargon used by the kids these days is, “yeet”

What happen was the right call.  You can’t allow people free reign in a situation like this, but if, like in this case, they create no issues for anyone, looking the other way is probably the right call. 

Denouncing racism and bigotry unequivocally ≠ talking about politics

Dwnouncing racism isn't politics. 

Le Batard did miss the first hour of the national show on Friday.  It was almost certainly because he was talking with suits.  But he definitely knew that, if they had suspended him, it would have only proven his point. 

“Uh, yeah, let me talk to Jerry and Bob about that,” appears to be a common refrain for Goodell:

Now that Bob Ley is gone, he’s the only good ESPNer.

LeBatard is one of the most consistent, entertaining voices at ESPN. Suspending him would only confirm and reinforce everything he said.