
Eeverything the Mets’ front office does is built around having scapegoats in place. Look at this past weekend. Callaway looks like an asshole, Jeff Wilpon gets to descend from the heavens and gush about how sorry the team is and how rude this was, and the NY media focuses on how much Callaway sucks both as a person

From: Gordon McKenzie (g.mac@outlook.ca)

Admit it, you’re just angling for the most polite, grammatically correct, and boring Dead Letters post in history.

I’m looking at business class from US to Italy/Portugal and will gladly pay the extra grand or two for the upgrade

This is incorrect. Some people have plenty of cash to burn.

Getting picked off the right way. 

If she thought the Dallas intern was frisky on that one, wait till you see the alternate!

“Deflecation” is a great word for what happened there.

100% correct. Plus, if it’s not a penalty, what is it? Good defense? If that’s the case, then you’d have defenders in the box, arms extended, as the norm. Instead, you often see defenders in the box intentionally put their hands behind their back.

Tell you what big guy, read further. You covered instances when the arm is in what is called a “natural position.” UEFA made crystal clear this year that an arm held in an “unnatural position” will be penalized.

I don’t know who Imagine Dragons are, but I now know I hate them.

That will be my official response whenever my wife complains about blowing up the bathroom.

-Vladimir Putin in November, 2016.

So you highly recommend picking one up? If you have the means, of course.

I’m holding out for the rarer Billy Ripken “Fuck face” signed Gacy painting. 

Did you even read the research instead of blindly agreeing with whatever nonsense LH is putting out as clickbait for traffic today?

Infant baby seats are literally designed to click in and out of their bases exactly so you don’t need to wake the baby up. Obviously, yes, don’t just put them in there for 3 hours while you get your drink on, but letting the baby keep sleeping while mom and/or dad get to eat a meal with two hands is perfectly

There once was an idiot from Limerick,

WIFE: Do you want the windows open?
ME: Nah, I’m fine.
WIFE: Okay I’ll open the windows a little.

Sushi doesn’t go with crackers.