
How long until we come full circle and the games are held in the same spot every 4 years like the original ancient games?

Sam, I guess you’re responsible for the clever images and graphics and GIFs (or GIFs, as some of the kids say).  Sorry to hear that you’re leaving, because those have been under-the-radar magic since I started reading Deadspin.  Great work.

Rumor has it he enjoys a good pegging

No way Trump dodges a shoe. He doesn’t have the reflexes. Jabba the Hut has a better chance of dodging a shoe. Trump is a sitting duck for a Florsheim Facial.

Whose name is all over all the tariffs? Was that a result of consensus by the Republican Party? Or is that all Trump?

Reds just raked with this deal.

So we’re all gonna just ignore that the Reds just got their new best pitcher by miles and miles on top of two regulars?

Now playing

He should be in based solely on his Tom Emanski skills video endorsement.

Projecting only 38% for McGriff?!? That’s a crime, dawg.

He also had some amazing stories about the difference in work cultures going from bmw to mazda that I might be able to cram into another blog somewhere.

He dropped that A A Ron so casually the article didn't even notice. Meow that is magnificent work.  

There’s so much awesome to unpack here, but the austere of the repeated A. A. Ron is choice.

I don’t think Ben Roethlisberger deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, so much as he’ll force his way in, whether we like it or not. 

It’s a miscavige of justice!

Elon spared no expense.

So, like this?

Thanks for publishing these emails. As they say, sunlight is the best disinfectant, and it also prevent Ricketts.

Can we get an official update on Drew? You don’t have to get into specifics or anything, just a simple “he is doing better should be back soon” would be nice.

(...would have clotheslined that asshole)

A close friend of mine died, at age 28, unexpectedly. It was not suicide, and arose from an unknown medical condition.