
MacLachlan running from the premiere shouting, "I thought it was an ART film!"

"Over" rated implies people rated them. I suspect their Q rating is like 7.

Well … they're on the nostalgia circuit at this point, right?

I dunno, up to that point, you have no idea what the VHS even does, exactly. You saw some water, you saw the static and the well, you saw Amber Tamblyn screaming, and … that's kind of it.

Allegedly. He denies it.

"This is me giving you the finger."

Yeah, Frank Marshall and John Landis should never have been allowed to make another movie.

I don't know about pain, but she did say she never knew when they were going to yank on the harness, so you are seeing her real "surprise" reactions.

If by classic rock you mean Stone Temple Pilots and Barenaked Ladies, then yes.

Let us revel once in more in Teti's craftsmanship:

Can we start a GoFundMe campaign for whoever wrote this headline?

Cary Grant and any of his leading ladies. Maybe audrey in Charade or Grace in To Catch A thief, Sophia in Houseboat, Myrna in The Awful Truth, Rosalind in His Girl Friday … dude clearly was fun to work with.

"Some kind of"? Only those kinds of people write those kinds of Tweets. Precisely because they feel they have a place of privilege from which to write them.

I have that book, it's great.

I've ridden it with the lights on, kinda crazy how tightly packed that construction is.

Hinted is not the word I would use.

I've seen so many terrible remakes!

Oh my god yes, pretty much every scene at the college and a fair amount at the Ghostbusters office was just terribly, terribly cut and edited.

I'll give silent films that, they knew when a single title card was better than 20 minutes of tedious plot machinery.