Watching this using YouTube's 2x speed settings really shows off the sheer efficiency of the run - just an endless stream of perfect jumps.
Watching this using YouTube's 2x speed settings really shows off the sheer efficiency of the run - just an endless stream of perfect jumps.
I listened to the first 20-25 episodes, and then started checking out other podcasts and haven't gotten back to it, so I've clearly missed out on the creepy->quirky Tumblr transition thing. Can somebody elaborate?
They did the Wizard of Oz with Ashanti in the Dorothy role about 10 years ago as an ABC Sunday Night movie. It was not good, though it had a weirdly hilarious Quentin Tarantino cameo.
Replace the word "their" with "Nazi" and "it" with "gassing Jews" and you might understand why that's … not good logic.
I think Les Mis could translate well as a video game.
Strongly disagree.
There is nothing even remotely close to the bottle scene in terms of intense, person on person violence in all of Indiana Jones, including the Temple of Doom heart thing (which is completely bloodless)
Oh you just reminded me of Freebo playing tuba on Big Road… that whole song is amazing, but that tuba blew my mind, that energy it brings is phenomenal.
Yeah, and I read the Gabler bio (which the Disney family also doesn't like since it's not cornpone) I'd just like to see all of that fictionalized, it would never happen, but I'd love to see Brad Bird tackle it.
Even sanitized, a movie about the early years at Walt Disney Studios would be awesome, they invented a lot of modern animation techniques, iconic characters, frat boy atmosphere, and then the strike.
There's a Jack Parsons miniseries in production by ridley Scott coming to AMC soon. I expect great things.
I've seen most of the Aokigahara pictures, those looked like recreations, but still, yeah, not feeling a horror movie set there.
I don't think I'd ever be one of those devotional to the bitter end types - I'm too well-adjusted - , but you could probably convince me to join if a cult if the day-to-day experiences were overall positive, it was not first and foremost a financial scam, and it allowed me to carve out dedicated time to personal…
I started all the videos at the exact same time, and it still sounds pretty good.
I love Otis Redding, I wish (any number of) different songs had cemented his legacy. That song is dull as dirt.
The Middle? And Malcolm in the Middle.
Just trying to put my finger on why I feel this episode is a step towards the decline, I think it's three things:
Dropping "crack" as a reference is a sure sign of an 80s kid, the correct response was "crystal meth."
Monsters v. Aliens is another good one.