
An awesome mechanic most recently improved upon by Journey (even more variety!)

10 because I can:

Not a big fan of Run DMC, huh?

A nice echo of his Fallout Boy line:

He's also the keyboardist for Imperial Teen, which is in a totally objective fashion a much better band than Faith No More.

And appropriate for the character, since he can't read and is probably an awful speller.

I clicked the Share button under this, but there's no ATF option?

Or Smokey, or David Ruffin, or the Isley Brothers, or Otis Redding, or Jackie Wilson, or The Four Tops, or the sheer endless list of people who've recorded songs with a limited number of chords, simple percussion, and soulful descending melodies.

Was it not always thus? As soon as they added enough buttons to make button mashing a non-viable strategy, us casual gamers made for the exit.

You, sir, have a type.

Above-the-line costs (ie talent) is the biggest factor, probably in the $15-$20 million range right there.

As someone who doesn't watch the show, but … you know … Psycho - - is it not because he cares about her at all that he keeps her at a respectful emotional distance? I mean, when Norman makes nice with you it means you're doomed.

First: my 5 year old knows the phrase "son of a bitch" and more importantly, that she's not supposed not to say it. As the kids say these days: #ThatsTheJoke.

Anyone with kids knows these sorts of things get spouted all the time, with no remorse. Kids need to know the lines they can't cross. The best way to do it is with supernatural terror. "This thing that nobody can stop will come for you." I prefer ghosts, but zombies will do in a pinch.

It's funny, though, because then he goes off on Edward Norton not being right for Red Dragon, which, fair or not, is totally him being that producer who doesn't give people chances to stretch themselves or be anything but what they look like.

They're really different songs thematically, though.

How can anyone not say Wabbajack to this? But I will go with the Land Shark Gun from Armed and Dangerous.

You keep using the word "clearly." I don't think that word means what you think it means.

She didn't use the word white once, though. Or talk about herself and her wages specifically at all. You're putting words in her mouth.

I find the whole idea of "calling her out" prima facie ridiculous, but if somehow your opprobrium ultimately leads to a faster, rather than slower, outcome of equality for all - in wages and otherwise - then I'm all for it.