
Dude, when you've got me agreeing with Xanderpuss, you have gone off the deep end.

*Rod Stewart sashays menacingly*

That scene where he deliberates about taking the drink, for so long, sooooo long … and then he does. It crushes you.

I can't recommend his Making Movies book enough. He's got a lot of great stories about filmmaking (guy's got quite a passion for cinematography) and all his movies. A great, great read.

Oh yeah. "I wanted to be a nurse!" Gives me chills just thinking about it.

Two? He practically invented the genre with Cool Hand Luke.

Easily my favorite 80s movie after Amadeus, I love everything about it.

Man, we went to the aquarium at Moody Gardens in Galveston, phenomenal place, but they had an intern marine biologist there with a megalodon tooth fossil telling people with a straight face that "they might not actually be extinct, nobody knows for sure…"

I guess if you refuse to understand that "abusive" personalities aren't born but made, then yes it's all very simplistic and such.

Nope, the sunny southeast Houston suburb of Pasadena, home of Mickey Gilley's and a noxious stench of petrochemical byproducts.

Yeah, Harvey Danger and Lit don't belong in the same category at all. Harvey Danger, like Nada Surf, ended up with one very popular song that really didn't reflect what they were about - they're much more in the Dismemberment Plan / early Death Cab / not quite emo but yeah, kind of emo vein.

Written by a screenwriter whose last visit to Houston was in 1983.

As someone who's dated/been married to the same woman for going on 16 years now, all I can say is: toooooooooootally insufferable.

Ahh you know what I meant, don't be That Guy.

Yeah, no not really, Another One Bites the Dust is simple blues:

Right, but that's more a technicality. It's not like George Harrison's Oh My Lord where he wrote this song and it turns out to be She's So Fine and he's like, "oh crap, really?" or that super-obvious Wicked Games ripoff up top.

I don't think that's true, the genius thing that is; this is why you need an 8 year old on the sidelines with every coach. Every video game player knows when it's 2 and goal inside the 1 and you need a touchdown to win you try to run it in, twice if you have the time, and then go for it on fourth and pull some wacky

Cosign, please stop doing this feature, it's just the worst, I know you meant well, Josh, but this … this ain't working.

Right on! Down in the Park or GTFO.

My go-to "white guy singer" is Neil Diamond, but I will also accept Glen Campbell, B.J. Thomas, and John Sebastian.