
This is factually incorrect, the words "Black Hole Sun" are sung 28 times in that song, and "won't you come" appears 26 times. That is waaaay more than a typical song. 28 times! The last 1:51 of the song is just them singing "Black hole sun, won't you come" - that's almost as long as the entirety of You've Got To Hide

Uhh .. yeah, and Dusty was just cribbing Carla Thomas and Aretha. How is this a point?

"Total" ripoff? The verse *sort of* uses the first two chords (Huey's is I-iii, ELO's is I-vi, but they achieve the same affect) and they totally diverge, and their choruses are of course totally different.

First, Rapper's Delight was first freestyled at a Chic concert on top of Good Times, and then later just put to record. So while Chip Shearin played the bass line live for the record, he was just covering Good Times. So not really a "rip off."

Getting revenge for John Marston has to be at the top of my list. Super cathartic.

Well there are his many acolytes (Alan Rickman, Jeremy Irons, Timothy Dalton, etc.), but I really think Leonardo DiCaprio has kind of taken on the reins of that sort of flamboyant generous capital-A Acting that defined a lot of O'Toole's career.

This post reminds me of this exchange:
Fry: My fellow fish monsters, far be it for me to question your stupid civilization or its dumb customs, but is squeezing each other's brains out with a giant nutcracker really going to solve anything? Dr. Zoidberg is my friend, and though a woman has come between us, I say we'll

Rand Paul's credentials are dubious because he had a big nasty fight with the board who licenses ophthalmologists in Kentucky. Which is par for the course with his contrarian vibe.

They're already completely entrenched, you don't become an anti-vaxxer by being a careful and openminded viewer of facts. Welcome to the hell of epistemic self-reliance!

No jail time, just forced immunization. As long as it meets due process and stands as a compelling state interest, we're good to go.

What really boggles my mind is the people who are quoting Jefferson's "government is best which governs least" and other founding father nonsense.

Is "Saddlesore Galactica" the one with the leprechaun jockeys? Then concur heartily. The last episode I ever watched on primetime Sunday. By then all the original writers had bled off to better shows.

Not to go all "check your privilege" on you, but umm yeah, VHS is still extremely common in poor communities, precisely because it's so cheap and unwanted by the middle class. There's a flea market here that has a huge open area of VHS consignment, complete with players, TV combos, etc. Tens of thousands of tapes, all

Lore! Reading everything, every diary entry, note, encyclopedia, going down every conversation chain to the bitter end, listening to every audio record.

Uh, except the problem here is they ripped off the lead melody *and* the chords.

Holy cow (no pun intended.) My English teacher back in 1995 passed this around during poetry month for analysis; I had no idea it was a Smiths song. That explains so much.

Are you … are you me? Cuz I'm definitely signing off on all those. One time I told my friend CAptain Howdy's face freaked me out and he made it his IM avatar and damned if it didn't creep me out every single time.

To this day, I can still picture the animation of Bobby getting knocked out by that baseball.

It's got Anna Quayle in proto-dominatrix gear and Sally Howes as a music box clown, what more do you want?

Brando, Lancaster, Farley Granger, Holden, Connery, Gable, Howard Hughes, Errol Flynn, Dan Dailey, Nicholas Ray, and (allegedly, like everyone else alive on planet Earth in the 50s) JFK.