
I found it amusing in Hercules when the archetype for all evil step-mothers was subverted into a loving wife and caregiver.

My wife and I were extras in the first 4 FNL episodes, including the church scene in the pilot, and that was definitely a weird experience. There were a lot of film veterans behind the scenes struggling to capture the "feel" of the show and not get in the camera's way, the actors were doing a lot of huddling with the

He had a kid on the way
Only 38. Terrible. RIP.

The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretence was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed

I'm sorry, 1999 was the greatest year in the history of music, because that's the year Napster started.

So you saw her on the circuit
promoting Brooklyn's Finest. How do you approach these actors and go, "Hey, we're with the AV Club, we have this thing where we just ask you about your memories of old performances?" and they just say "Sure, let's do it."

What about the John L Sayles script?
That involved dinosaurs being loaded up with body armor and signed up to a Dirty Dozen-style mission to save humanity?

99 problems, and a bitch is every one of them.

I want to watch all of these movies again now. Thanks for pre-emptively stealing all of my free weekend with your infectious enthusiasm, asses.

As most songwriters will tell you, you end up writing silly lyrics a lot of the time while you're working out the music, and then you go back and match the lyrics syllabically with something that, you know, makes sense.

Goes right to the title of the inventory, huh? Same for California Uber Alles, Feliz Navidad, and Je T'Aime, I suppose.

Or, to go back to the original context, the thing those two scenes have in common is that they're disturbing to Michael Moore, but surprisingly only the rabbit scene is disturbing to other people.

Spoiler Warning
Should be a lot bigger, and in bold. That is all.

But then, who among us has not?

Yes, he really peed on (and had sex with) his male friends when he was a kid.

It just seemed so bizarrely removed from anything remotely human. I'm still trying to convince myself it really is non-fiction.

Especially since The Family Channel used to be the home of the 700 Club, Little House on the Prairie, and Batman '66 reruns after school.

ABC Family = FX for the 12-15 set.

Being John Malkovich? He was pretty funny and great in that.

No love for The Librarian?
No love for breezy, unapologetic Indiana Jones knockoffs about mystic warehouses?