
…If you've never seen it before, yeah? It's like "forbidden", or "pregnant." There's no wiggle room. You've spoiled it.

One time the same bee stung my father, my dog, and me.

Everybody's right!

When they called me, I thought they said this is Jeffrey.

Really, self? Lynch is the one getting your heartstrings?

I've Got To Get A Message To You.

Next week you should do random roles with a musician turned actor and random rules with an actor who is also a musician.

Next week you should do random roles with a musician turned actor and random rules with an actor who is also a musician.

SEE? I even got it wrong in the title
And that, my friends, is irony.

Principal / Principal
Is one of those things where you should double check to make sure you got the right one every time you type it.

Good work, Tasha
On forcing him out of his "one frozen image" schtick. Which I thought was kind of ironic, since he's such a nebbish talker in most of his roles.