
This is very specific.

This is so on point. Also guns are all they ever had. If they had decided to run up on foreign shores gunless... I’d be in full Wakandan regalia right now...

The entire way this country works is by convincing white people that they are the underdogs in their own personal movie. That anyone that is different is just like the baddies in every action movie they’ve ever watched where one white guy slaughters an arm full of brown people. And that we’re all just waiting for the

This fear is why they’re so obsessed with arming themselves with multiple human killing machines. It’s why they fight against even the notion of incremental disarmament so vehemently. They are scared shitless of us. Of anyone who is not them.

‘Greg Foster, Imax’s entertainment chief, said Black Panther “has very strong word of mouth and a deeply loyal core fan base, which are both necessary criteria for repeat business.”’

I think it’s the flip side of the same principle. Erik Killmonger is a villain not because he does or does not advocate violence. It’s a superhero film that climaxes with a fight involving armored rhinoceroses. Everybody in the film is, at minimum, not anti-violence.

Aww man...I thought she died. Maybe next time.

That character is 90% of white people. Confusing friendly for actual friends.

I was Virgo-ing my way through the article because Wakanda is indisputably better (free national healthcare just for starters - also SNEAKERS - and no cultural appropriation) but then I got to

Yup. I infuriatingly couldn’t recall specifics, but I can recall that MBJ has made a few statements over the years that have placed him in the “problematic fave” column. Lupita deserves better.

“How have you not seen the movie, yet...GENIUS?”—Shuri

Yeah, and the fact that he was so proud of it, like a serial killer and his trophies. You know right then that he has a blood lust that has little to do with justice.


When I finally saw the film Saturday and my self-imposed twitter ban was lifted, one of the first things I saw was a Team Killmonger hastagh.

It’s even better the second time!

Loved the article, one thing I feel like we should talk about is how violent Killmonger was specifically towards black women. He was a revolutionary, true, but also a wanton Mysoginist. He killed his GF in cold blood, he choked out an elder, slit the throat of a Dora Milijae and his biggest diss to T’Challah was, i’m

They can’t be small dog barks, so people with higher and/or softer voices will probably have to do some training.

‘Colonizer’ ;)

Spoiler Alert:

“I got you a new gift, a divorce!”