Congrats P-Jack!
Congrats P-Jack!
I thought I was the only one who liked the vanilla creme filled donuts!
Caillou *wishes* he could grow up to be Saitama-sensei!
Just came back from watching this Thursday night - so many feels! Well worth *all* my hard-earned dollars.
My ticket is for Thursday night!
Flag AND dismiss the trolls people!
Starred for John Boyega!
Ramen for life!
Love you guys and wish you continued success!
Rutina Wesley!
Doug Jones won?!
You mean Demolition Man right?
I definitely will!
Checked, no dice ;_;
I searched Spotify and listened to *so* many songs, still nothing ;_;
I have been *looking* for the song that plays when Nova opens the door for Calvin. Shazam could’t find it, and the people on Tunefinder could’t find it. I’m bereft at not being able to hear this song in its entirety.
Serves him right.