
‘Black Panther’ Review: The Movie’s Hero is Trump, the Villain is Black Lives Matter

I don’t know, “don’t scare me like that, colonizer” is pretty strong

“What’s up, Auntie...”

Duke’s comedic timing was impeccable. His scenes in the back half of the movie, in his kingdom, had me rolling.

I liked it until the third act. The bad guy was lame.

My favorite joke that was made was that the only two white guys in the movie are Martin Freeman, who played Bilbo Baggins, and Andy Serkis who played Gollum, making them the Tolkien white guys.


How about White politicians being shot by other White people?

I would add that you should trust yourself, LW. This guy managed to gaslight you into second-guessing yourself. The attempt to neg you by telling you he didn’t enjoy the date, followed by pushing you to share your reasoning and defend yourself are classic manipulation tactics. He picked up on your self-consciousness

I’m a naturalized citizen and am proud to be Chinese born. But when people go down that stupid rabbit hole of “but where are you REALLY from” I usually dig my heels in and say Delaware. Not because I’m ashamed of being an immigrant, but because people who ask questions in that way don’t deserve to know the truth. And

“That kid” Ryan Lochte, who literally peed all over the Rio Olympics, was 32. 32.  

They’re good dudes, but I know in my heart they’ve seen and heard about sht like this going on, and they don’t say anything.

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

I watched the first four episodes last night and am thoroughly enjoying it so far. My boyfriend loved the book and was hyped for the series and said that it’s true to the book so far.
I’m loving Goldsberry’s character, especially when she’s mentally training the Envoys.

So – I’m a little busy right now to do a truly comprehensive list without getting a check for it – especially since I’d essentially be doing the author’s work – but would it not have been useful to at least list *some* of the most prominent current women whose work has been co-opted and whitewashed and erased?

“I am not a lawyer, but I would think if three defense attorneys suddenly don’t want to defend a client any longer — especially in a high stakes case such as this — that could be an indication that an anvil is about to drop on someone’s head.”

Can she take out Dr.s Oz and Phil too? Ah shit, she’s not responsible for Dr. Drew, but she can get him?

Wow this comment got bad fast

“They made Bruce Jenner switch teams dude. Bruce Fucking Jenner!!!”
