
Doesn’t matter if it’s a hard “er” or soft “a”, the history, malice, and intent to define and keep us as subhuman cannot be taken away from the word. We do have the right to dictate who says the word and who doesn’t and I won’t condemn no black man or woman for saying it, but all the same, I’m waiting for the day when

1. Waffles

I am one of the people who bought 4 tickets just because, and I don’t even have a baby sitter yet.

Bought my tickets early and eagerly counting down to Feb 16!

 you’re bugging..add bacon. pure heaven!

Well, actually...

He declared bankruptcy to get out of paying that poor woman who he revenge porned, because he’s a piece of shit.

Oh, I see: You don’t know what being bisexual means.

Bisexual doesn’t automatically mean having open relationships.

They’re incapable of loving a human. They don’t want love in the general sense. They want a place to put their dick that won’t complain about all of their shortcomings. Pun possibly intended. This doll is the best they can do.

Yeah, I’ve been wondering how men can claim to be the smartest, most intelligent, and rational beings on the planet, while simultaneously claiming to be the most clueless. This cluelessness only seems to magically appear when assessing their shirty behavior, though.

If I’ve learned one thing in life, it’s that nobody gives worse advice about “men”, than men. I have no idea why we’re like that.

A lot of men are happy and benefit sitting right in their perceived dumbness.

Most men are not autistic.

I think it’s still pretty simple, even if you can’t read body language or understand more subtle verbal communication, ask and wait for a “yes” rather than waiting for a “no.” The burden shouldn’t be on the other person to say no, that’s not real consent

just like parents don’t raise their sons to become rapists, but if they don’t take affirmative action to prevent that type of socialization, then they have allowed that possibility to become a probability.

Agreed. Should have happened years ago. But a vast improvement nonetheless. Still, I would have advised him to go full Mark Strong. Damn that man has a beautiful bald head.

I just scrolled

I agree with you, but just want to add that Grace did, in fact, explicitly say she did not feel comfortable, did not want to have sex and did want him to slow down, many times. He just willfully and repeatedly disregarded her explicit nos. There’s also the fact that Ansari wrote a whole book on navigating tricky

Exactly this..

Aziz went and made his whole fucking brand “woke feminist ally.” You don’t get to do that, then decide your new standard for behaviour on a date is “not criminally actionable.”