
I don’t think Molly was trying to check a box. I think she genuinely was trying to give Quentin a shot to see if *any* kind of sparks would fly, and she realized (perhaps during, but definitely) afterward that it was a no-go.

She does seem to disappear in emergencies. Hmmm. Clarkisha, could you take off your glasses for a second?

Don’t forget the lack of attention for the white teen who forcefully sodomized a disabled black teen and got almost no punishment because the judge claimed he didn’t deserve any.

Yep. She is exactly like Kris Jenner, from the managing the husband/kids to the addiction to plastic surgery. It is hilarious that she of all people is badmouthing the Kardashians.

“Better” looking?

Probable midnight DMs from Jason Whitlock?

Writer#1: Compartmentalize. It’s easy to make friends. It’s easy to find fuckbuddies. But if you want somebody who’ll act like your boyfriend but not develop feelings or ever expect anything, be prepared to find that guys like that are unicorns in much the same way that women are.

Long story short: double-standards and Madonna-Whore syndrome. Guys grow up being taught that they’re horny beasts and should fuck as much as possible, women grow up being taught that they shouldn’t want sex, definitely shouldn’t have it except under very specific circumstances and women who try (or do) have sex like

Yup - the fear of having to actually step up and DO things (change diapers, be a role model, coordinate respectfully with your spouse, put another person consistently ahead of yourself) transmogrifies into “you can’t MAKE me do it, nyah nyah.” And as a spouse, it’s all too easy to trick yourself into thinking you

That’s because it’s easier to hide your racism underneath patriotism. There’s this false belief that if I’m a patriot, I can’t possibly be a racist.

“sex with Taye Diggs” Haaaaaaaa! *goes back to reading

A more intriguing question is why so many want to have an awkward threesome with both it and the Confederate flag...

nuh uh I’ve seen this cartoon movie. Where’s the lamb that I have to sacrifice and then put the blood on my door? Does it have to be locally sourced?


I’d also like to add that she needs to document the affair and talk to a lawyer asap. Her and her child’s financial security depends upon it. Is her state no fault divorce? There are all sorts of variables depending upon where she lives that will factor in.

I mentioned this below, but he’s been doing this for the entirety of their relationship. Their courtship, engagement, marriage, honeymoon phase, and ultimately their child are conceived of a lie. “He’s a douche” is such an awful way to simplify the magnitude of his sin, and “you have him by the strings” is laughable.

Seriously. It takes a special kind of scumbucket to marry and have kids with someone while keeping options open with a side piece for five entire years. There’s a time and place for breezy cool girl advice - this isn’t it. This shit rips people’s lives apart. The emotional pain is often physical as well. Every day

LW 1: GET OUT. Do not listen to this advice here and get out now. It’s not going to get better.

I know we will have to co-parent, regardless of the outcome, so we are both seeking counseling in order to work through issues to be better parents. I just don’t know what is right, or at least, what other people would do in a situation like this.

Do want like, an award? Why white people always want to praised for the shit your supposed to do? That’s like me saying I should have a parade because I paid my taxes. You know what that was unfair of me I’m sorry. Let me start again.