
I posted this on VSB but it needs to be read here:

Bat!Superman kicking the penguin’s desk into the wall is one of my favorite moments from S:TAS.

So he’s saying he should have acted like a man and thought like a woman?

She deserves all accolades.

One of my favorites remains the World’s Finest episodes where they finally cross over Batman and Superman in a way that feels natural and unforced. The animosity between the two over their methods is infinitely better than the BvS movie, as is the growing respect and grudging admiration they build up over the course

America is, and has always been, a land of massive contradictions. Of soaring rhetoric about freedoms, of true dedication towards egalitarian ideals, of prosperity and progress; while at the same time a land where the weak are considered immoral, where the nation was founded on a violent revolution, where black people

Nope. She’s had enough bullshit lobbed her way. She doesn’t need to act as the Magical Mammy Negro of Politics to save racist ass white people from themselves. White people can gather their kin or suffer along with the rest of us since they can’t be bothered to listen.

But do you really want Pastor’s Body to get run over by the Molly Train? He seems far too nice for that. Molly don’t need to be setting any dates besides ones on the calendar with her therapist.

My point exactly, he knew he was being shitty. He always knows. He just chooses to play the “nice guy” role.

Hopefully Molly will introduce her to White Jay, and they can wrap up three plotlines in one move


Lawrence is prototypical Nice Guy™️, he read the temperature of the room and needed Issa to know it wasn’t like that... Because he can’t not be viewed as nice. Same reason he went to Tashas cookout he ain’t want to, same reason he invited coworker bae because she was embarrassed earlier. But then... When hos nice guy

Bernie is the poster boy for white, liberal mediocrity. He’s never passed significant legislation, he pisses on his colleagues at every opportunity, he rails against rich people while owning three houses, he advocates free education after his wife bankrupted a small town college and walked away with a nice golden


It’s like white society puts these young white girls on a fishing line and tosses them into black culture to see what’s up and report back and then when they get enough, they yank them back to whiteness. Ratchet miley being the latest in a looooong like of white girls on fishing lines.

Right the comment section is already filling up with burner trolls.


but much worse he talks bad about me to our four year old daughter.

Honestly I think the biggest issue in all this is that the people whose culture is being appropriated are otherwise treated poorly by the people doing the appropriating (and US society writ large). It’s all about “you care for my appearance but you don’t care for me”.