
Ok – this is going to be a long response – so bear with me. With the help of some links to other resources, I’m going to attempt to explain the origins of whiteness, the difference between whiteness and white people/people of European descent, and why “whiteness” is not something that should be

One time for the gawdess Macy Gray. I know she doesn’t fit the criteria but everybody knows the words to “I Try”.

wow, what a hero -_-

Everytime black people have used violence to liberate themselves throughout the diaspora, it’s always been due to the following

“Omg me too. I really hate how these two, after all they’ve been through, are so suspicious of each other. Why aren’t they just relieved to be alive and talk everything out? It’s been many years and I find it really odd that they’ve reverted to their childish behavior.”

I do not believe our grammar deficient witless leader Trump uses big words like “egregious” and “repugnant.” I do not believe for one moment that Trump did more than read a prepared statement in an attempt to squirm out of the bad situation he finds himself in. There was a focused intensity on his face as he mouthed

Anyone catch Drogon doing the slow blink of friendship at Jon when he was petting him?

I really don’t get all this “Daenerys is so bad/crazy/violent”. This is war. Y’all wanted kingdoms, this is what happened.

Rob, you are one of my favorites, but the show started to fall apart massively in season 5, and I literally can’t believe you’re annoyed now that it’s illogical but entertaining, vs. S5 being both illogical and supremely sucky. I want, a little bit, to kick you gently in the shin.

And Sansa wouldn’t have survived a night on the streets of Kings Landing. They are opposites, 2 sides of the same coin.

Keep trying...your trolling might get some responses.

Nazis and supporters of the Southern Confederate States get no rights. You can’t be an American and a Nazi. You can’t memorialize the Confederate rebels in a positive way and still be an American. We fought wars over both these things.

Well the people outing them are just practicing their free speech rights too.

The problem was that the Faith of the Seven doesn’t recognize polygamy, and after the Targaryens lost their dragons, they lost a lot of the power they had to defy that particular convention. A polygamous marriage may not have been recognized by the church.

To be fair, that teenage kid had just killed Jon and he (Jon) was following the law in terms of treason and breaking your Night’s Watch vows. Ned Stark would’ve done the same thing in his position (and in fact pretty much did the very first time we meet Ned, for something far less egregious than trying to murder him)

The raped and kidnapped scenario pretty much only comes from the very jealous and obsessed Robert tho.

She has a dead guy in her Throne Room anyway! (Mountain-zombie)

The prevailing theory is that Gendry, like the rest of Westeros, thinks Arya is dead, and finds it too painful to talk about her.

There’s plenty of other parts to make it seem that she was into him as well. The kidnapped story-line is what’s told to to the stark kids and Robert but everyone else who was around at that time doesn’t seem to look on it that way.