
“The only info on the internet about this OMGyes are shills, and feminist leaning man hater types.

Yeah, I’m obviously not since you say I’m not. LOL. You contradicted yourself telling NegraWithTumbao you didn’t mean “ghetto” as pejorative. You’re either a liar or stupid (perhaps both). Anyone who knows the denotation (& etymology) of the word knows it wasn’t/isn’t created as a positive thing. I’d ask what country

Dear vsbs and vsss, it is a troll and a liar. In the unfortunate even that it’s a continental African, it’s pretty clear which type it is. I was born and have mostly lived in the U.S., but I’ve also lived on the continent. There are variations of the above phrases with which we grew up. I’d dare say Panama’s point

my fantasy is you going & fucking yourself

I loved his cameo on the Luke Cage series on Netflix.

Why is anyone, besides 19 year olds who don’t know better, drinking Fireball?

This is real cause, If the question was tell me the ingredients mofongo or tell me how to make jerk chicken, all the white kids would fail. 


Find any 5 man team piloting a giant robot from the late 70's and early 80's (Voltes V, Combattler V), and you’ll find the same, or similar line up.

Same! It was a good 7 episodes, but I do wish there were more. I burned through the season in less than 3 hours.

Aaryn, thank you for this piece and for sharing yourself with us.

I’m seeing a lot of people out here saying some pretty ignorant shit. So here are some true facts.

The first comment thread in this post is a bunch of anti-trans bullshit. So let me say this, fuck all of you who think that trans people are out here “tricking” you. The end.

I don’t know if it’s a male ego thing or what, but that makes no sense at all. Like, how can your ego be so big that you think all gay men want to look at you?

I get actively angry reading these recaps. They are so off.

I read it as the realization that the comment about Arya’s list of people to kill might not be the joke Sansa originally thought it was.

I think it’s because a lot of fans don’t pay attention for the dialogue and then get angry when they don’t understand the show as though it’s the show’s fault.

Come to Tokyo. The train systems make so much sense here that you can go anywhere in the region for a very little amount of scratch and relative ease.

Also, don’t look around!

I’m so mad at OoT, and I’m not even the one suffering from the misfortune of being married to him.

So the guy in the first letter is probably about to murder his whole family right?