1996 was the model year when obdii was required
1996 was the model year when obdii was required
Can we have you do COTD instead of that lazy dude from yesterday? I suspect he had a happy hour appointment and was posting a booby prize because he was running late.
I bet it was one Audi, but enough replacement parts to rebuild it 5 times over.
Not sure if I’ll see this in theaters, but I’ll definitely pick it up at Target™.
His name? David Traski
There is absolutely nothing wrong, illegal, or immoral about charging the labor time set by the manufacturer and it taking far less time to actually do the job. For a Mercedes transmission service, I suspect the tech had to use a piece of equipment that cost many thousands of dollars. How about the multi-thousand…
Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury.
Ask your boss if Viagra is right for your trailer. Certain erections may last a quarter of a mile, and may lead to Peyronie’s disease when mixed with bridges and overpasses.
Or both parties, as recently shown.
The concrete didn’t cure correctly because he was Russian the project.
Development is underway but they can’t figure out how to put a dent in a sock.
You’re just full of bad opinions lately.
He asked what car to buy, not how to be a shitty person.
Imagine Sergio and Elon sitting in a room together trying to sell each of their companies to the other.