@girlarchaeologist: No prob, I didn't make it!
@girlarchaeologist: No prob, I didn't make it!
Oh yeah!
Oh, come now. Lively pulls an expressive sexyface.
@ink: But.. if it's a drama with romance, the romance is almost always a tortured one.
@Vivelafat says Sweep the leg, Johnny.: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, may I float around with you, forever?
I'm trying desperately to find the "I don't like you like this" scene. Best Pete Campbell bitchface evah.
Taylor, why do you try soooo hard to show your EDGY side?
Oh, Gavin. I had a chance to hang out with you once and I totally messed it up!
Freaking LOVE Sabrina.
@thinksmall: My mom often went with "boobs."
I hope Brad and Angie take US to the cleaners.
What happens when you need to make a daring escape by climbing over a fence, jumping on a horse and playing the cello?
@the glamwich: I love your disapproval.
She playing Mia Farrow sometime soon?
I want every Fossil messenger bag that Ben carried with him.
I want her bob!
I'd say yes to that chest for days...and days....