
I have to applaud Anne for recognizing that her beliefs do not jive with those of religious institution of which she struggled to remain a member and being brave enough to make the distinction personally and publically.

You guys nailed it! I love "Lolita", "The Berlin Stories", and "Possession"!

I literally, no lie, just jumped out of my chair at this news and if my roommate wasn't sleeping off her hangover, I would have squealed!

I've never been turned on by RPatz before. It must the Jonathan Rhys Meyers face he's got goin' on...


Franklin CANNOT BE dead. I kept expect him to sit up, and re-form, Death Becomes Her-style. He will right? Tara needs a storyline for another six episodes!

That looks like an ad for cellphones (bringing couples together) or travel destinations or birth control or herpes medication....

@FelineFraulein: I know agencies do that, but I still find it silly, especially since agencies have to sell an image of themselves.

@feelingHELLAstabby: When the "The Two Piece" Guy put his foot up on the coffee table, I was disturbed and uncomfortable.

@feelingHELLAstabby: Especially since last season, Henry was all, "I'm gonna take care of you, Betty!"

Watched it both times (and Rubicon...um, what?). I still think Sterling/Cooper/Draper/Price is just the most ridiculous name ever. Does every partner need his name on the sign so he can *prove* how important he is? Please.

LibraryThing changed their subscription model?

God dangit, I love this show. I might have to watch the 1st season again.


Now playing

Baz Luhrmann, you had my heart with 'El Tango de Roxanne'.

@sbarney: I've been considering reading 'Our Mutual Friend' so that I may imagine discussing it with Desmond.