That’s the best Travolta’s hair has looked in years. It’s dramatic, but it’s so much better than the silk front and black dye!
That’s the best Travolta’s hair has looked in years. It’s dramatic, but it’s so much better than the silk front and black dye!
I STILL miss AMC. (Bianca, I love you!) Thank you, Agnes.
That’s cool and all (and by cool, I mean, painfully schmaltzy) but have you seen the Hanson music video for “River” in which Old Rose is Hanson fangirl and Bill Paxton is actually Weird Al Yankovic?
I listened to the audiobook and it was excellently produced, with different narrators per POV, it definitely enhanced the story.
You’re a real charmer there, aren’t ya, Johnny?
I love “The Rook.” I’d say it’s much more Torchwood (for the supernatural British agency) meets Buffy (for the humor and badass lady) meets Orphan Black (for the badass lady and bodily confusion). I suppose it could be Fringe/X Files - like if they serialize the story more...
I have to work real hard to divorce Kelsey from Frasier but it’s worth it in the end because <3 Niles <3
Please let Cy be a formidable enemy now, pleaseeeee
Laying it on a bit thick there, Cy....
God, the Oval Office is just Fitz’s playpen - where his handlers put him when he gets cranky and straights screaming. How, HOW is that sexually appealing to a woman like Olivia?
Oh Abby, getting sucked into the powerful BS spin machine... I had hoped you’d get out of this with a shred of integrety.
This was better than Colbert’s Late Show opener. I know that’s not exactly a fair comparison; CBS’s particular brand of gentle humor isn’t CC’s edgier comedy, but Trevor seemed more comfortable than Colbert. His rhythm and comedy beats were more natural.
Oh god, this article convinced me to finish watching the back half of S4, just so that I can chat about S5 with all of you.
God, I wish Golden Girls was on Netflix. Then I could watch it, Fraiser, MASH, whatever episodes of Roseanne are up that month, Buffy, and Bob’s Burgers on a loop and be happy FOREVER.
I came here to exclaim, “silver cuff!” and hey, so did everyone else!
Oh man, I am all about Disappeared. Forensic Files, too. Nightmare Next Door... if I watch more than three episodes at a time though, I end up checking all of my closets at least twice.
Oh god. My mom has no problem being nude and would always get up and make coffee or whatever, without putting on clothes. Her attitude was the same as Spiring’s, no shame, body confidence! But my mom was and still is a tall, thin, blonde, able-bodied woman with the physical confidence of one. I am short, curvy, and…