Tamas Kalman

As a courilary: my dad owns a 1966 C2, which he bought second hand from an F-4 phantom pilot in 1969 (it still has a set of Navy pilot wings on the dash, and an F-4 patch decal on one of the windows).

It’s not so surprising. A lot of people see the Corvette as a pinnacle car... the dream car. It needs to be saved for special, precious moments. Why drive all the fun out of it? It is safer to keep it in the garage and only take it out on dry days for a quick jaunt to the juice bar and to the do-it-yourself spray car

Chester is 72 years old. He’s been dreaming of owning a Corvette for the vast majority of those years. He worked hard and played it safe. He’s got enough money to bring home a Vette and the wife says it is ok. Now he knows the one’s from the 60's were way faster, buta new Vette is part of the dream. He orders his

The answer to this is pretty clear. Corvettes like this are bought by baby boomers who think of any American V8 as an “investment” because their SPEED TV re-runs from 2007 said so, and think that their mass-produced dream machine is going to sell for $750k like their high school 1968 Camaro would have if only they’d

The fact you owned the C5 and the C6 but never the C4 is the exact reason you’re opinion on C4 Vettes is moot. Probably worse than moot. You cast disparaging remarks from your ivory tower of progress onto the very thing that spawned what you love. Without the C4, there would be no C5 or C6. It was the first Modern

Please show me a better looking, better performing car for $3k?
I would love a C5/C6, but 2 kids in daycare tell me that not going to happen any time soon. I have done 3 track days, running advance group, never been passed.

Agreed about the 944, however the part about the Vette being ugly is your opinion, I completely disagree there.

Design is subjective, but don’t diss its performance. They got banned from the SCCA because they kept winning year after year. I don’t understand why people say the C4’s are slow. They hit 60 in under six seconds which even today is respectable. The true performance turds of the Corvettes are the C3s. But they’re

The C4 Corvette was a game changer, for the brand, when it came out in ‘84. The late C3 Vettes were embarrassing and were ruining the Corvette image/legacy. The C4 saved the Corvette from mediocrity and put the Vette back in the game. Just look at how it has evolved since then!!!

Nope the C5 is the ugly old man vette. Having driven both a C4 (owned one actually) and a 944, the vette is more fun to drive and easy to mod. The 84-90 vettes use a standard Chevy 350 with tuned port injection on top. Yes TPI is all torque and no high end but you easily and cheaply swap it out for a different intake.

I think I’d rather do/pay for the maintenance on the vette than a 944.

Really though, I doubt that too many people cross shop C4 vettes and 944’s. One group likes owning a car with the P word on back at any cost, and the other group likes smokey burnouts, members only jackets, and/or meth.

I watch Scotty Kilmer and Eric the Car Guy and I find Scotties advice pretty helpful. Especially because I don’t have a car lift and some basic tools which I see Scotty use a lot of. I’ve done the same brake line repair that he’s done and probably won’t do it again because changing the whole line isn’t that much more

The plane has a 200hp four banger spinning a cute little four foot pinwheel on the front that drags a few thousand pounds of fiberglass leisurely through the air with the benefit of lift from it's diminutive wings.

"Ever since the first design drawings leaked out, the world has gone nuts over the 2014 Corvette looking more angular, outlandish, and (dare I say it) ugly than its predecessor."

As I'm standing here, staring at those two fucking keys laying on the floor of the hatch, mocking me, all I can think about is how much I hate Enterprise and the entire rental car establishment right now. And that squirrel over there, looking at me with that stupid blank look on his smug little furry fucking face. Is

This is fantastic. Ancient Greece must have been a wonderful place to walk around in.