Tamas Kalman

all vettes are pretty.

don’t mix the 80s and 90s (i made the same mistake). the 90s lost direction, but the 80s still had some character, some intentional boxy flat shapes, things which were pure design concepts. the 90s started to involve shapeless blobs and pointless curves, some half-organic boringness, which neither had character,

I was on your page, I didn’t like the C4 (and the 80s in general) for a long time, for exactly the same reasons I like it so much now: there is no excess, extreme minimalism, futurism, boxy, flat shapes... It’s not because it was trying to be cheap, it was an intentional design direction, not a bug, but a feature. On

this is still nothing to the upcoming issue when they'll fire all their drivers and replacing their fleet with self-driving robotic cars.

culture is the single most important thing about any organization.

As a native Hungarian speaker, I can't tell how hard is to learn Hungarian; but a few things is actually simpler than in English;

a) we don't have the concept of gender - there is no 'he' or 'she', there is only one word for that: 'ő'. everything is gender neutral. absolute equality on the language level! =)
