So why did you miss the weld?
So why did you miss the weld?
Okay, I laughed. Then I saw people actually falling for this and correcting you. Laughed again and starred. Well played.
What about cold welding like JB Weld?
Good job on the Transmission. When I went to my MOS-Q to certify as a Mechanic in the Army, when it got to the transmission, the instructor flat out said, “This is a Transmission. Inside of it, is all of the evil and hate that man has ever devised. No one really knows how they work. No one knows how to fix them. In…
So this means it’s not like he’s stuck in second gear anymore
“it’s a tasty little motor”
You could have been keeled!
Only to stop you assholes who fly up from 2 miles back to squeeze into the space we left so we can stop without hitting you.
You misspelled 'Ctrl'
Florida Man Sees Article About How to Make Money Flipping Cars, Fails to Read to the End
Yep. There’s a reason I don’t plan to live any longer than 74 years or the first sign of Alzheimers, whichever comes first. Got 46 years to go!
He then jumped into his Lambo, yelled, “Lexit!” and promptly crashed into a wall - that absolutely everyone saw was there all along - massively depreciating the car’s value.
You other brothers can’t deny.....
I’d pay good money for a David Attenborough narrated documentary on mustangs.
Here is my biggest problem with the fuel economy test, it’s unrealistically slow for the highway cycle. Manufacturers know the speed, design their cars for optimal fuel economy at that speed. So they design the top gear to be used at 55mph. But in the real world when you are traveling faster it doesnt work very well…
Wow. Donald Trump was not kidding about hitting China where it hurts.