
I’m not the one casting judgement, Jezebel has already ‘convicted’ Louis CK of something.

Maybe I was too young when I watched it, but I don’t really think Jaws is that great of a movie... I recently heard someone refer to is a “the perfect movie” and I was like HAVE YOU SEEN SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION?!

One time I ate bad mexican and there was no possible way for me to hold in the violent diarrhea that came out of me. Like no possible way. I’ve held a lot of shits in my life, but I had no shot with this one. I’ve never felt so out of control of my body.

After 2 hours of failing miserably at water skiing, I came onshore only to realize that I had basically been giving myself an enema every time I fell. The entire walk back to the house shitty water was leaking out of my ass.

The bigger issue for him is being murdered by Putin’s goons

The next thought in that progression should be “...what can we do to change that”, not “oh well”

My Mom had her 21 year old cat put to sleep earlier this year. The thing was constantly having seizures and couldn’t use her back legs very well. She was also peeing and pooping all over the house because she had basically lost control of those functions. Not to mention she was also mostly deaf and blind.

Oh man that video is hard to watch, and you don’t even see the injured girl.

How are you so much better informed than us?

But “these women” haven’t accused Louis CK of anything... If someone actually comes out and says “he did something inappropriate to/near me” then I will take the rumors seriously.

My Dad is OBSESSED with it and has been bugging me to watch since it first started. It’s right up my alley so I’m not sure why I haven’t started it yet.

I live in NYC and see people do the most absurd things near and TO cops. Cops don’t give many traffic tickets in the city so I get why people don’t take them very seriously in terms of driving, but it’s still very ballsy.

Asians will pay a shit ton of money for “western” stuff to be asian-ized. Other examples include the most recent Fast and Furious installments.

That sounds awful. Are you in exposure therapy?

My Dad owns a small construction company and his “guys” (that’s the term everyone I know uses for construction workers) are always either 1. drunk, 2. high, 3. hungover. There’s nothing my Dad can do though because there is such a shortage of quality workers, so he just deals with their shit.

My husband never had summer jobs but it was because his parents were immigrants and they spent their summers in their “home land”

I love hearing peoples Chintown bus horror stories if anyone wants to share

Have you listened to the segment?

I once ran a 5k in February in Buffalo and got so hot that I took my t-shirt off

I live for Johanna’s adorkable faces and body movements