
My husband does this will all foods and drinks:

Whoa, my cat toby looks just like that cat toby!

I think this has more to do with altitude than directional distance. Once a plane gets below a certain altitude they fall off the radar and air traffic control monitors by eye. This article is written in a misleading way.

He doesn’t mention the American people at all. This is entirely about him and how he will look.

I was just thinking about what if I was his mother (or the mother of some other shitbag boy)... how do you deal with this? They’re your kid so I’m sure there is some sort of natural inclination to defend them and protect them. But you gotta also be able to have some sense of reality.

My grandpa drove Lincolns so whenever we went on a family vacation (just Dad, Mom and sister) my Dad would rent Lincolns. Me and my sister thought we were so cool until about 2000 when we realized they were “old people cars”.

I could watch little black where’s waldo all day! That kid has charisma.

The NYC government? I don’t think I’ll have much sway there.

I didn’t google until I got to Fontain Brun Butt Beans

These are my feelings about me so I’d prefer not to get shit on about them.

I know a baby named Brielle - total asshole and ditzy af

I was nice (I think) to mine, but I still felt like I was annoying him with every change I wanted.

Somewhat related - I go to a public pool to swim on weeknights and in July it closes at 8:30 and in August it closes at 8:15. Last night was the second night of the 8:15 closing and when they blew the whistle to say it was closing a woman APE SHIT saying that they were “ripping her off” and that she wouldn’t “stand

Jessica Williams was super funny on Desus and Mero

I’m here for it - I really enjoy Cris and his baby-twin son looks nearly as lovable.

My mom has(d) a CC and a Pacifica, and a little pickup, but that’s irrelevant here. She was going to trade in both the CC and Pacifica to get an Atlas, but decided last minute to just trade in the CC for a Q5. The Atlas was practical for towing all the grand kids around, but she couldn’t get over how clunky it felt

*cat lady post ahead* Does anyone have any experience helping a cat lose weight? We have a big girl (18-20lbs) who needs to get down to 12-14lbs. She doesn’t eat that much, she just doesn’t move. Laziest cat ever. We try to get her to play with a laser pointer, but our other more active kitty usually takes over and

Would bang!

oh tingly feelings

Of all the negative things we can say about her, this one should be last. Start with something of substance.