Those Mandalorians really cleaned up that dead monster quickly. They even scrubbed the beach and rocks because there weren’t any blood stains or scorch marks.
Those Mandalorians really cleaned up that dead monster quickly. They even scrubbed the beach and rocks because there weren’t any blood stains or scorch marks. — Great image editing software that is still going strong after all these years. Remember that old pirated version of Adone Photoshop you used all those years ago? It’s like that.
C’etait un Rendezvous by Claude Lelouch. It’s a classic! How has no one posted this yet?
Starred on principle.
Local here. Here’s a practical translation of Reeb’s statement:
Somebody at Vanity Fair forgot to make their standing platform resistant to high heels. You could probably order the pictures in time based on the cumulative damage that thing exhibited.
You put out a serious “I’m the main character” vibe. It’s cringeworthy.
Replace “trailer park” with “farm” and you have described the history of millions of families in the 20th century, including mine.
I love this show, but I’m going to complain about one thing: Din talking to Grogu is being used too heavily for narration. Daddy-son dialogue is fine, but don’t use it to explain to the audience what’s happening in the story all the time.
The big question is will the old episodes be upscaled for HD resolution. During their last Turkey Day marathon on Youtube they showed upscaled versions of several old episodes (including Catalina Caper and City Limits, two of my favorites).
At last, someone has created animation that makes me think my glasses need cleaning every 30 seconds.
Don’t try to race everyone at a stop light. The car next to you might be an unmarked cop car.
I’m so happy for EEAAO. Usually I’ll see these prestige movies, say “Yeah, that was good, I can see why people like it”, and barely think of them again. This is the first multi-award-winning movie that I keep watching over and over again. It’s wonderful.
I’ve never thought about it before, but how would one go about stealing a manhole cover? This is unrelated to the story, of course.
Use #18: Tennis balls make good ammo for a small trebuchet. My son and I made a trebuchet with a swing arm about 3.5 feet long, and we could launch them about 90 to 100 feet. Heavier or lighter ammo didn’t go as far as the tennis balls.
Aren’t all Funko Pops ultimately destined for the landfill anyway?
I’ve been visiting the Gawker-GMG-G/O sites long enough that I’ve seen the site organization go from cluttered and busy, to streamlined and simple, and now back to cluttered and busy. So I expect in a few years you’ll go back to streamlined and simple.
Most boring Miami Vice episode ever.
Imagine spending years and years doing this petty bullshit, being banned dozens of times, with nothing to show for it. There’s some real mental illness behind this guy’s motivation.
If you followed the advice in this article, you may have to undo it. I did all the above steps about three months ago, and everything was fine until a couple days ago when all my torrents stalled and I could not get them going again. I undid the changes this article suggests and now everything works again.