
I was happy to see a really old game come back on Steam recently. I bought Montezuma’s Revenge for the PC back in the early 80s, and shared it around my ninth-grade computer class (PC version on front of the floppy, Apple version on the back!) which in retrospect led me down a lifelong path of piracy.

This is some dark shit. Time to back away from the pop culture. This is fucking you up inside.

Remember that if you choose to keep a rooster, everybody in a quarter-mile radius will fucking hate you. Roosters crow at sunrise, but also before sunrise, after sunrise, and any time they damn well want to. 

And duck meat is so much tasier than chicken!

Be careful flashing your lights or otherwise signalling someone that they should “go first”. If you do so, and the other person then gets in an accident, you could be held partially liable for that accident because you communicated that it was okay for the other person to go.

Can you please start dropping the period from “Warner Bros. Discovery”? I always assume the period is the end of a sentence so it makes it hard to read. It just makes an annoying company a little more annoying.

I recently watched a few Laverne & Shirley episodes, and they still hold up. It seems like the show has completely disappeared, which is a shame because it’s hilarious.

The prequels could be Line and Point.

I think he gave it up voluntarily.

I believe Anthony Hopkins renounced his knighthood when he became an American citizen.

So what I’ve learned about these cheap projectors is that, although the bulb may be rated for thousands of hours, other components will not last nearly as long. I’ve had two similar projectors, and after about 50-100 hours of operation, a small brownish spot appeared in the picture and slowly grew in size during the

So what I’ve learned about these cheap projectors is that, although the bulb may be rated for thousands of hours,

One of the weirdest podcast ideas I’ve encountered was the minute-by-minute discussion of a movie, i.e. each podcast episode only covers one minute of film time. Therefore if the movie is 140 minutes, that’s 140 episodes. They’ve been around for a while, and I think they started with “Star Wars Minute”. If you are a

8088 4eva!

Yes! “Of” is a preposition, so you should be able to drop “of jobless employees and the sentence should still make sense. “The mob set fire to their VR headsets” makes sense because “mob” is assumed to be plural.

The guy is 47, so it’s a great excuse to stay in shape.

And I will love every minute of it.

They got money for this but nothing for Venture Bros?

Maybe possible spoiler below......

If you’re going to grow a goatee, you’ve got to put some effort into it.