
Are the pronouns for the actors or for the characters? Knowing that Desire was intended to be androgynous in the comic, I’m guessing they’re for the characters? Maybe both?

Harris County in which state? I may have overlooked it, but I can’t find this info in the article.

So, Overboard but on a mountain?


They should have gone with “Fat skeezy Chris Pine”

How can I trust people who willingly sit in Adirondack chairs? 

JB Smoove’s podcast is great! The best part is that you can imagine it’s Frank the Plant giving you life advice.

If you shave Chester in the header image you’ll get Madame:

I am interested to see what the world decides the outcome of this to be.

I enjoyed The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen too. Aisha Jordan, you are not alone.

I somewhat enjoyed this piece of fluff, but to all you people who hate this article:

I have taken gross anatomy and the estrema fulminea is part of the large intestine near the transverse colon.

I don’t like it when people use the word “cuck”, but it sure looks like it might apply to Donny Jr here.

All Cops Are Babies


Why do you feel it is necessary to state this?

Wow! I am liking Charlene Yi more and more! More power to her!

Now playing

Geez AVClub! This is old news! If you had been monitoring the Icelandic news sites ruv.is and mbl.is for breaking volcano news, you would have known about this days ago!

Why is this not the top comment?

How is Rough Trade not a gay S&M club? They should change it and not tell anybody and it would improve Rockefeller Center immensely.