
Too late!

Good Lord.

Except that picture is of wrecked Ferraris in Japan.

Well, I’m from Houston and I had poutine for the first time in my life a month ago at Chicago O’Hare.

Make me a plate of poutine (WITH BACON!) and you have a deal.

I dunno, I’d go with Inception. JGL *stole* the show on that one. Big budget film, very famous headliner (LDiC) and yet, JGL’s performance was outstanding.

It was just after the bubble economy burst. I got there in 93 and left in 98, came back from 08 to 11. The first time was different from the second. Not as many were in the car/bike scene the second time I lived there.

Yeah, the only thing I wondered about was the “ma”. Lived there for 9 years and was into the bike/car scene so I paid attention to the “namba pureto” on folks’ cars. Some of them weren’t cheap, I think. I was there when they introduced “personalized” number plates - personalized insofar as you get with numbers, and

Huh, nice. Shinagawa 340 Ma - - 34. I just wonder if the Ma is significant somehow. Shinagawa is just a district in Tokyo.

Or a base C5 in yellow with enough money for a Vortech YSi and a fuel system upgrade.

Utterly got-damn ridiculous.

With a flat plane crank. A GT350 at full wail is utter boner fuel.

Absolutely agreed! The Corvette should have stuck to that formula, and let the powerful NA V8 tear up the track.

Yeah, likely the outline is recessed now that you mention it.

*scratches chin* ...Interesting.

Ah, seemed similar from my quite faulty memory banks. Would have been neat if he were.

I dunno, I just want a plate that reads my favorite caliber:

Is that the dude from Scissor Sisters?

Starred for owning it.

Wait, Alanis got to wear a Kevin Schwantz helmet?!?