Seriously doubt the DOHC thing. Makes no sense.
Yeah, that snow is why I hate living in Germany.
$76k? You can get a ZL1 1LE for that much.
Gawker journos have to be “edgy”, so they put language like that in to make up for shortcomings in other areas.
Anyone have a dyno plot of a 500+ HP EcoBoost 4-banger?
I’ll just leave it at that I respectfully disagree in some cases.
I’m from Texas and I’m in Germany right now, so I was wondering how do you drive legally with German license plates on Texas roads?
While no one can reasonably claim vaping is 100% safe, it’s safer than cigarettes. The best is plain straight air, but between cigarettes and vaping, I’d choose vaping.
Hey, that’s a neat g...ALL HAIL THE HYPNOTOAD!
I was like, “What?”
They do, but when you sub-ohm fake TrustFire batteries (so a fake of a low-end cell), the cells get into thermal runaway. Non-technical vapers don’t quite understand that, they just know they managed to get away with it 50 times before.
Well, that’s certainly a factor in the plaintiff’s favor, and makes me wonder if Stewart could have avoided him. Yellow is out for a reason, and you have to anticipate there could be safety officials or others not in a vehicle nearby. I’d expect black flag/race stoppage if they are actually on the track, though.
I own a Benz - LOVE it, but it is NOT Honda/Toyota reliable. My wife’s Fit will outlive the cockroaches I think...
Move it to Frankfurt and I’ll talk!
Full coverage is cheaper for an SUV or full-size truck of equal repair/replacement value. I talked with my agent about this, and it’s because you take less damage if someone hits you vs driving a small car.
“...provide a way for riders and others to make complaints and promptly suspend drivers for further investigation after a complaint.”