THAT’s a battlewagon I could get into (literally and figuratively)!
Well, they dropped some decent coin for Fikse FM5 wheels, probably so.
“Go away, people.”
Well, my mother-in-law and wife have left rice out for hours after lunch/dinner, and many places in Japan serve bentos that include rice at room temperature.
Unless that immunity is transferrable by marriage, I have to call shenanigans on this article.
I looked at the lady in the video thumbnail and thought, “Man, them eyes! I wonder who she is?”
I thought my browser/computer was broken. That’s unbelievably stupid.
Sounds like my best bet is to get a CTS-V/Chevy SS if I really want an LS-engined car vs trying to swap out a BMW motor. CTS-V wagons are *CRAZY* expensive, though.
I wonder how hard an LS and T-56/6L80E swap would be. LS engines and Tremec transmissions are quite a bit more reliable than the BMW stuff, repairs are WAY cheaper, and the sky’s the limit on the HP you can get out of the LS blocks.
Heh, I live in Germany at the moment, but my rental house is near OKC. I want to go back there because the cost of living is cheap and life is easy going without being Florida lazy (where I lived too). Everyone’s friendly and they issue you a 1911 and 4 magazines as a welcome gift. ;-)
Fair enough.
My SLK32 has ‘em, and being in Germany I have to change the wheels twice a year at least. They’re really NBFD.
Parking, just a spot for your car, is $300/month?!?
My favorite Jalop writer - Kristen Lee - is a New Yorker IIRC.
I’m honestly surprised he didn’t humblebrag about riding a fixie.
Can you compare it to a Gen 2 or Gen 3 CTS-V? *That* is my dream car, but the Gen 3s are a bit unaffordable for me right now.
Really? There are folks putting LS motors in them, with no mention of diff swaps. If that’s the case, that’s really dumb.
I enjoy reading your, Stef, and Kristen’s writings. As a dad of a teen girl, it gives me hope that she could turn out to be a car girl too. At the lease that she won’t be held back as much because she’s a girl.