
I think it's a bit silly to refer to parents as 'other people'. If they're entrusted to make literally every single decision for their child - including medical, potentially life-or-death ones - surely they're entitled to choose when and how to share their child's image as well (within the confines of the law).

Um, are those all girl babies? Because boys don't have to hide their nipples.

Toddlers have big tummies because of their body far stores, tummy position, liver size compared to their bodies, and their weak spinal musculature. I think she's gonna be OK.

I don't know where you're from, but screw you for lambasting all Americans for the actions of a few. I'm appalled that anyone saw that innocent picture as offensive, so leave me out.

Never mind that gun deaths are rising, the economy is in the crapper and women's rights continue to be stripped daily...but 'OH NOES THAT CHILD IS SHOWING BELLY? PORN!! BANISH HER!!!'

This is so disappointing. I met Adam Richmond a couple years back (pre-weight loss), and he was a super nice guy. It sucks seeing this side of someone whose show I watched and who I genuinely liked. Thinspiration is not a word that popped into the lexicon out of nowhere - it has very well known roots in pro-ana

quick, someone get a clip of Bernadette Peters saying "SOME of us don't like the way you've been TELLING IT" because this is bull to the power of shit.

My god. Thank you for sharing your story. And thank you for being honest about the pressure to have a so-called thick skin when it comes to degrading, sexist, and sometimes violent behavior. We've been taught for so long to just take it. All of it.

The presence of his female assistant I think is used as a screen to make it more plausible that it is not going to be too sexual. I think it being him and his female assistant makes it less "come over to my place and we will have some fun." Apparently she shoots away smiling and laughing and saying, Isn't this fun?

I just wanted to take a quick moment to thank all the commenters on Jezebel for continuing to speak up against rape culture. I know this is going to sound silly... but the comments help me get through my day sometimes. When I was younger I was sexually assaulted by a police officer and I never had to courage to take

Many people freeze or comply out of shock when undergoing trauma, especially when there is a power dynamic. Being alone with him in his apartment with his crazy assistant probably doesn't help matters.

"It's insane, the internet," Richardson was saying. "Totally craziness. Like a little cancer. People can just do whatever they want, say whatever they want, be totally anonymous. It's totally out of control."

So if someone acts like a scumbag, it the person who is being coerced into unwanted sexual behavior that is at fault and not the scumbag doing the coercing? I don't understand your point. "Scumbags exist so we shouldn't call out scumbags, we should call out their victims" ?

Some people freeze. If you're in a random place alone, and your agent has told you have to make the photographer happy in order to get better gigs. It's hard to know what to do. You have to remember that guys like Terry don't just whip their dicks out as soon as their victims walk in the door. They start out slow and

You know who else should that isn't what is supposed to happen at work? TERRY RICHARDSON.

Of course people suspect that - hence why Terry Richardson has articles dedicated to painting him as a very talented, very awesome guy who just likes to be wild and anyone stepping forward about being coerced in any way just wants attention.

It's not legal to exploit, abuse or assault the foolish or weak-willed. It doesn't matter if his victims were timid mental children who harbored hopes for a career. If anything, it argues for aggravation.

Either they choose to blame the victim, which happens, and consider her someone trying to make it big in the fashion industry, or they don't care about the women. I could believe either.

If he really wants to make sure his models are "aware of the nature of the work," why not sit down with them beforehand and talk about what they will and won't do, as is standard in the American porn industry? Why not put out an ad specifically looking for women who are comfortable getting facials on camera?

If modeling is your dream in life, the only thing you are passionate about, you are young and naive and think that the only way to get the connections that would allow you to be successful in that industry is to let a weirdo stranger jerk off on your face, then you do it in the moment without thinking. And Richardson