
From my perspective, you are making way too much of a virtue of the "waiting" part and not enough virtue of the "knowing when you are ready and with a partner that respects you and treats you right". Not everyone needs a serious relationship to have sex they don't regret; waiting until one is in their 20s doesn't

Exactly. Feminists have to deal with awful issues on a daily basis; i.e., equal work for equal pay, rape, domestic violence, etc. Of course we're going to get emotional! We take the burden of a lot of the world's problems on our backs because we care—and if anything today's world needs more caring, not less.


I thought the same thing...that maybe Mindy Lahiri would have written something about her ruined weekend, and that jackass dudebro Peter would describe it as "raping her weekend" even if that was not the word she used.

It is a rape joke. It is a joke accusing women at Jezebel of crying "rape" over anything they don't like. It is a joke at the expense of rape victims and those who believe in fighting rape culture, as well as Jezebel writers and commenters.

I didn't mind the joke, but I do agree that Jez would not have published that article. Actually, that would be my main quibble with the joke.

It is supposed to be funny in some way that I'm not getting?

Nope, it's pretty easy even on the first try. So long as you don't overheat it, it's not gonna spill over everywhere when you go to smear it on your underarm. It's pretty thick and gloppy so you gather some on the applicator, put it on your pit and apply the strip. A lot of the mess actually comes from the azulene

It really depends on your hair! If you have thick, stubborn hair I'd recommend Sally Hansen Extra Strength Wax. I get it from Wal-Mart. It's messy and they don't give you enough strips to last the whole jar of wax, but it's the best stuff I have used. You can always buy extra strips and applicators (sticks) from

"Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!"

I find it so funny when rando dudes weigh in on anything like this with their attraction as if that is the be all and end all of what we are trying to get. Like saying "oh don't worry I love girls with a full bush/small boobs/a bit chubbier/etc." as if...their opinion then makes it okay when so much is tied up in

OMG! I also posted a Moss + fire gif.

Burning off your bush?!

Ha, I love how he is just quiet while he thinks the guy is going to second his point. That was good!

Sing it.

Yeah, I love how he's forgetting that study after study has shown that nearly EVERYONE is unhappy in the workforce for the reasons you mention, which are compounded when you're a woman or identify as such by sexists douchebags like this guy. "But nooo, it's mostly the womenz because they miss cleaning toiletssss and

Hmm. Something tells me these "studies" are more along the lines of him repeatedly getting dumped after barfing these antiquated opinions on women he's dating.

Off the top of my head I can think of many reasons to be unhappy in the workforce that do not involve me wanting to stay home and be domestic. Pay sucks, we're overworked and often don't get the credit we're due, and we're mostly unofficially barred from the positions where we really get to have a say in how our

Study after study has shown that feminism has made women less happy.

Thank goodness he told me how I was feeling.