So we're not allowed to discuss when entertainment does something problematic? Hell, I DID stop watching the show, but I'm still going to discuss WHY I stopped because it does matter to bring up these criticisms.
So we're not allowed to discuss when entertainment does something problematic? Hell, I DID stop watching the show, but I'm still going to discuss WHY I stopped because it does matter to bring up these criticisms.
I have honestly not seen Oz, but my question is: was that scene meant to be sexy? Or was it straight up meant to be horrifying? One of the big points of this article isn't that rape happens in the show, but that's it's framed with the same focus on the women's bodies as the "happy sexy sex scenes" are in the show. So…
Yeah, apparently a TON of people misunderstood that quote. I think it's sad that we would actually assume the showrunners would just add that in for this season. That's where we've gotten with this.
But the babies aren't made to be sexy, sexy babies in the same shot.
The point is that we can love a show for some amazing characters but still point out when it's becoming more and more overtly misogynistic in how it frames the things that happen. Half the criticisms in this piece are specifically about how the show is shot so that women's bodies are made to look sexy even during the…
I mention this in another comment, but I saw the actress this past weekend at a con and during the GoT panel she actually said that she asked if they could shoot her death scene where she was actually dying on screen but they said no. She even tried having her head slump so you could at least see the moment where Ros…
Yeah, me too. And the fact that they because they don't see it as rape, they wrote the rest of the season (as far as we can tell at this point) for Cersei to not have a reaction to it. Oh yeah, that was just a thing that happened. No lasting consequences for the victim, right?
The Dany scene in the first episode.
And often art encourages things in the real world ... when Game of Thrones shows injustice as clearly wrong and not alluring, it makes its audience thing about our world's version of that same injustice. The points made in this article is that when rape is framed as titillation of women's bodies or as hidden desire…
Have you ever noticed how 1. women are STILL way more often naked than men and 2. how penises are still hidden beyond all reason thanks to editing. Watch the two Robb Stark love scenes and tell me that they didn't cut away from his penis on purpose.
then you aren't looking very hard
Does it feel to anyone else like the fact that they actively hide men's bodies on the show even when everyone in a scene is naked makes what doesn't seem so bad in the books as far as constant sexiness seem way over the top in the show?
Also: criticizing things you don't like isn't allowed because reasons! No I don't care if you give several examples of your point! Reasons!
Speaking of Ros, I saw Esmé Bianco at a panel this weekend and someone asked her if she was able to keep anything from set when she left the show. She said they let her keep the kimono from her scene by the water. She said it was really one of the only pieces of clothing she got to wear in the whole show. And the…
Question: is "trans women" the general spelling? I've seen it as both but I haven't encountered someone who insists on the space before. I want to do my best to spell people's gender identities correctly.
Exactly. It still reads super dismissive.
Exactly. She might not be saying she's against feminism, but she is dismissing it as something optional for women, which is kind of infuriating.
Well and then there's the subtle hints about my eating and exercising habits and when we go shopping and my weight has fluctuated she'll look at the size 10 jeans I grabbed and will shake her head. .... You know, THE NORMAL STUFF.
Does it need elaborating?
Oh my god, when I first read this I thought the daughter was using the spinning attachments and I'm thought, "That is a TERRIBLE IDEA!" But okay, using the body of the handmixer makes more sense. Less things to get caught down there. Yeeeeesch.