
Change pancakes to sex and you've basically explained a good portion of the #YesAllWomen campaign!

I guess, but I just don't want to police how people see themselves. And if other terms added into bisexual helps people better explain their sexuality, I don't see that as a bad thing. Although it would help if the terms were a wee bit better defined (for instance, that polysexuality is a subset of bisexuality and the

But that's my point - people hear that a famous man has been with men and they go "oh he was gay." Nevermind that they had relationships with women and as far as we know they were attracted to their partners in that relationship. But the idea of bisexuality is foreign to so many people that it's easier for even bigots

There are some others, too. Cary Grant and Freddie Mercury also get labelled as gay.

It's weird for me because I realized I was some variant of bi while in a long-term (and still going on) monogamous relationship with a guy. So while I'm attracted to women in some capacity, I'm not pursuing any other romantic/sexual relationships and don't really plan to. So it's like, it's still good to know how I

I stopped watching a few weeks ago (feel free to guess which bit did it for me) but I saw the gif of Oberyn's lover and her absolute breakdown ... and yeah, I knew. Like, you just KNEW.

Very true. That's kind of my point with most newer terms for sexuality, genderqueer, etc. I think too many people dismiss when people use newer titles (especially if the person is a teenager) and tell them it's a phase, but who are any of us to dismiss how THEY feel about themselves? And if they DO decide later that

I stopped watching the show a few weeks ago but this morning (knowing what happened on Sunday) I wondered if Loras got in some time with Oberyn before it all happened.

Yeah, I was just talking about this yesterday on Twitter. The idea also that bisexuals are inherently not monogamous, too. Not that bisexuals who are in open relationships are wrong (to each their own), but the idea that just naturally we'll cheat on our girlfriends or boyfriends with someone of the opposite gender is

There's a writer I like who wrote on New Years about how he actually realized he was bisexual after identifying for years as gay and how hard it was for him to accept himself in that way. I know another artist (this one a woman) who had a similar situation and while I totally understand the skepticism that can come

The invisibility of male bisexuality really does show how gender roles hurt everyone, doesn't it? Because even in this case bisexual men don't exist and bisexual women are clearly hypersexual orgy monsters because if it was so natural to be bisexual then why aren't men bi too, right?

I was just talking about this yesterday on Twitter, although more about how when we (bisexuals and polysexuals in general) ARE seen as at least existing, then we clearly want to have sex with everyone and can't possibly be monogamous. But it kind of fell into the general topic of bisexual stereotypes that we're either

I remember seeing the Delorean bit in the trailer, laughing and then having a moment of realization that it was most likely the only good joke in the whole movie and they ruined it by using it in the trailer. Apparently I wasn't far off.

Honestly, while I liked Reading Rainbow as a kid (that song is so freaking soothing and comforting, isn't it?), the one big downside for me and the reason I wasn't as into it as other kids was that after hearing about the books I wanted to read them RIGHT THEN. And because we lived too far from the middle of town, I

Honestly, I'm thinking about CrashCourse and other educational webseries out there that teachers are trying to incorporate into their classes. Why would showing different ways of teaching kids along with how they're already teaching them really hurt?

I mostly clicked on this because the picture they chose is pretty much the face I make when I tell people I'm happy in my non-married relationship with my longterm boyfriend. :D

You know what's helpful? Having cheap birth control options! :O

Aaaaah. I see. It's been a while since I saw that episode.

I usually point to that scene when talking about how you can use horrible characters to make a point about horrible people and why they're horrible. Like, you can't watch this scene and think the show's intent is to condone these characters. It's pretty clear that we're not supposed to agree with them.

I think I missed that episode. I mean, I still remember when he gets a rich girlfriend and flatout uses her to try to get the waitress jealous. Also pretending he's dying. And like a bunch of other horrible things.