
Um, exercising is a health issues. What illness are you going to get if you don't shave your armpits? Also, the only reason we think shaving makes women look better is because we're conditioned to by the general culture.

This is why I get pissed when people say media doesn't affect culture or how we think of ourselves and the world. Yeah, it really damn does and women's body image is a part of that.

Guess who hasn't shaved her legs since Christmas?

that was beautiful, thank you

Just for my own peace of mind, you were being sarcastic, right?

At least Mad Men acknowledges that the time was BAD. When I still watched the show it was pretty clear that the message the writers were getting at was "Yeah, the 60s were not super ideal because of ALL THIS BIGOTRY." But I agree that it's not an easy show to watch, especially if you're queer or a POC or a woman or

I've seen teenage girls say online that they wish things were like the 60s and I'm just, ".... Look, I know the costume design on Mad Men is awesome, but have you actually WATCHED the show?"

I'm so glad I never did the "woo, spring break!" thing. I think the most I ever did in college was go with my boyfriend to visit some friends in Wisconsin. In high school I was always with my parents and little brother so I think we went to somewhere tropical my senior year and I got to have a few pina coladas over

The amount that Yale missed the point is insane. In an attempt to help the student's health, they greatly hurt the student's emotional as well as physical health. Sheesh.

I'm a bi woman and let me tell you, I'm pissed about it, too. Mostly because it's freaking obvious how much they hide guys' bodies in this show while exposing female characters all the freaking time. Don't patronize me, HBO, we know EXACTLY what you're doing because you're worried about making the precious sensitive

My thoughts exactly. You have a bisexual man in a whorehouse with his "into sharing" lady friend and he is flat out telling a guy to start stripping and we STILL don't get male nudity? Because GOD FORBID the guys who watch GoT have to feel sexually uncomfortable while watching the show. Can't imagine what that's like.

Just the fact that we're able to own property and vote and a thousand other things we don't think about in our regular lives is because women before us fought for those rights.

Actually, everyone else in this thread made waaaay better jokes that work as parallels. :)

Yeah, I realized after I typed it that it wasn't the best parallel... mostly I just wanted to make bigots angry. And yes I agree about the Jesus thing.

I'm just imagining this totally literal hole full of tulle, frosting and glitter. I'm most afraid of the buttercream in this situation.

If you actually look at the website for this campaign, you'll see that they actually offer teachers and parents resources and practical advice to encourage that kind of environment.

Sidenote: they probably will. And bisexuals will be invited over for lunch sometimes.

Probably free speech, too. "I'm allowed to say anything I want that could make my daughter feel like shit about not fitting my standards of femininity. It's called BEING AN AMERICAN."

To paraphrase Jesus, "Blessed are the gay people for they will inherent the kingdom of heaven."

It always baffles me when women say "I don't NEED feminism."