
Well, if you've read the comic Shortpacked lately there's some sci-fi lesbian-based pregnancy going down. Clearly science just needs to catch up.

Also it will be better than Jesus. And the Beatles!

I think everyone is the pied piper of rabbits when they have a big bag of food next to a large number of rabbits.

I'm guessing there would have to be SOME predators since rabbits are known for boosting their numbers quickly and being an island, food resources would run out if there weren't some kind of predator to balance things out.

The actual face Charlie Hunnam would have made throughout the movie version if he hadn't backed out. "Why am I here? Why are we doing this?"

I know that women who have gotten constant death and rape threats on twitter and through email (for writing an article, having an opinion, making something creative while also having a uterus) have gone to the police and the police basically going "Oh well, it's the internet so it's not in our jurisdiction." Or "Oh

I'm always going to have a soft spot for the original BTAS Catwoman design. I don't mind the all black they did for the redesign, but it's almost too simple for my taste ... and I usually go more for the simple, streamlined designs.

wouldn't the smaller the chain link, the heaver the armor? Because they would have to use more metal altogether? I'm not saying it wouldn't be feasible, I'm just wondering how small you can get the links before the weight becomes impractical. I suppose it depends on the kind of metal you use as well. And padding

Or an odd couple scenerio. Coulson is a neat freak. Trevor is a drunk. HILARITY ENSUES.

Agreed. Especially because they had gotten a lot of (reasonable) crap for casting a non-asian man to play the Mandarin. Can you imagine them just going "Be patient ... all will be explained."

The mermaid swimming fins are really doing it for me. I used to swim competitively as a teenager and we had fins that connected together like that ... but they didn't have the pretty shape or the scales. But yeah, I still pretended to be a mermaid because why wouldn't I? I would have loved one of those pretty ones

Oh, I like this idea. Not even specifically for this design but for a Muslim superheroine in general. Or maybe a Muslim ladyknight! My only question is if you can see the hair through the chainmail, since the purpose of the headscarves for Muslim women is to cover that part of their head completely.


Can I throw Family Matters into the mix? Because once America decided it loved Steve Urkel that show turned a weird corner into mad scientist land.

We live in a country where if the rapists are talented at things people care about, they'll feel worse for the rapist than they do for the victim. Why am I not even surprised that they're trying to bring in a law that protects the privacy of those who rape?

Between that and the Jesus movie, there sure are a lot of white people in that region of the world in olden times according to Hollywood and white people. (I am white and I am tired of white people.)

I also find it hilarious that she assumes that finding a husband in college is going to help you be well-off. I've been dating my boyfriend for over 8 years and we started in college. You know what we both are right now? Poor. Because he had to stop school for a while and I have a job but also student loans. If we had

I am actually grinning from your "he started to get likable" comment. Aw, I like when boys start to get likable instead of just being orgasm helpers. :)

And lord knows you wouldn't want a pesky career to fall back on after the divorce, right?

Why am I just reminded of Mad Men? Oh right, because the same men who think "good girls" are the ones worth marrying are also the ones who turn "bad girls" into their mistresses. Man, why WOULDN'T I want a guy like that?!