
Thank you for your prompt response. I’ll edit my negative Yelp review and withdraw my complaint to the Better Business Bureau.

That big crossbow is called a ballista. They’re a real thing, historically speaking. You can still think it’s underwhelming, but you could at least do two seconds of research before posting.

I was.pissed they shot that skull. Yeah let’s just fuck up one of the greatest things in history.

Here’s something I hope you’ll address in a future article in this series: how to keep from waking up as soon as you’re lucid. That’s always my problem — snapping to lucidity seems to jolt me out of sleep entirely.

Don’t these apply to any relationship, romantic or otherwise?

Because most socialist policies are deeply unpopular and would result in massive electoral losses?

Right, except that’s not the news or the point of mentioning the index. The reason it’s noted is the extremes (unseen in nearly 70 years) of the index. We don’t just seem more divided, we are, historically so.

BREAKING: Democrats are more pessimistic about Republican led administration than Republicans.

All those times I can’t remember the metric conversion ratio, but can remember the fibonacci sequence?

Wouldn’t it be great if the US finally converted to metric?

It’s faaaaake.

I feel there’s something to the order of this list

That was my thought, as well... Seems like people who’d groom more are also more likely to be the type to have more partners, and therefore, more susceptible to the risks involved.

This should be an article about causation fallacy which, although addressed, does not exactly (<- comic understatement) match the headline or the lede

“Man, I never have any free time anymore. All those dates I’m going on are just sucking up all my time.”

“I can’t believe I have to go shopping for a new wardrobe because I lost all that weight.”
“Why do people keep stopping me to tell me they love my hair, I’m busy people!”
“Why do the cops keep pulling me over, is it because I’m driving a Lambo?”

Or, I never get to talk with Johnny much anymore because I’m so much faster than him now.

This isn’t humblebragging, it’s plain bragging. A humblebrag would be more like, “I don’t know what to do with the extra time now that I’ve cut a minute off my mile.”

That pretty much how Microsoft handles everything. Ever see their server documentation?